Conceived in 1992, on the occasion of the first "Floralies internationales de Bordeaux", the Floral Park extends over 33 hectares to the north of Bordeaux, on the edge of the lake. There is a collection of herbaceous or shrubby peonies (65 varieties), magnolias, irises (180 varieties on one hectare), rhododendrons (150 varieties). A 5000 m² rose garden where the rose tells its story from Antiquity to the present day (479 varieties of ancient, modern or English roses). But also a mountain stream and gardens of heather, azaleas and camellias
The Balades à Roulettes® (BR®) are short, quiet walks, with a pushchair or a small bicycle, or adapted for people with reduced mobility (in a wheelchair), proposed by the Fédération Française de Randonnée de la Gironde.
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