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The Weaver's Hike

The Weaver's Hike

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Wattrelos: A Textile Heritage Walk
Immerse yourself in a refreshing journey through the scenic Wattrelos countryside with the "Randonnée du tisserand". This self-guided trek, crafted by Wattrelos Tourism in collaboration with Rando Evasion et Découvertes, unravels the interwoven history of the textile industry and the daily lives of home-based weavers in the late 19th century. Explore a path less traveled, revealing the essence of Wattrelos' heritage from farmsteads to workers' homes. Let this picturesque walk transport you to another era, as you step into the shoes of the weavers who once thrived in this charming locale.

Brief Technical Overview
The "Randonnée du tisserand" spans approximately 7.1 kilometers, with altitudes ranging from 18 meters at its lowest to 38 meters at its peak. The route offers a manageable positive elevation change between 26 to 28 meters, making it accessible for walkers of moderate fitness levels. Designed for pedestrian exploration, this itinerary promises a rewarding adventure through the heart of Wattrelos' textile history. A thorough understanding of these technical specifics will enhance your journey, highlighting the physical demands and the sprawling landscapes encountered along the way.

Seasonal Advice for Explorers
Embarking on the "Randonnée du tisserand"? Consider the seasonal fluctuations around Wattrelos for an optimal experience. Spring anoints the path with floral splendor, making it a picturesque time for your walk; however, rainfall is common, so waterproof gear is advised. Summer offers extended daylight for your adventure but can be warm – stay hydrated. Autumn brings a cooler ambiance and stunning foliage, though paths may be slippery with fallen leaves. Winter provides a serene, stark landscape, yet requires caution for potential ice. Regardless of the season, sturdy footwear and adequate preparation are essential for a safe, enjoyable trek.

A Glimpse into Wattrelos' Past
Wattrelos, steeped in history, played a pivotal role in the textile industry's development from the 14th century. Initially named “Waterloos” in the Middle Ages, reflecting its 'waterless' nature, this town was profoundly shaped by various epochs – from Gallo-Roman settlements to the prominence of home-based weaving in the 19th century. As a border town post the 17th century, Wattrelos witnessed significant shifts, especially with the advent of textile factories complementing agricultural practices. Understanding Wattrelos' transformation and its enduring connection to textile production enriches the journey through this evocative landscape.

Regional Climate Insights
Wattrelos, located in the Nord department of France, enjoys a temperate maritime climate characterized by mild winters and moderate summers. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, with no dry season. The best time to embark on the "Randonnée du tisserand" is between late spring and early autumn when the weather is more conducive to walking and the countryside is at its most vibrant. Planning your trek during these months will allow you to experience the region's natural beauty under the most favorable weather conditions.
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Technical Information

2h15mn (1d)
7.1 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

49 Rue du Président Paul Doumer , 59150Wattrelos
Lat : 50.70431Lng : 3.2411

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Introduction de la visite

Bienvenue à vous qui allez arpenter la campagne wattrelosienne durant ce circuit, vous découvrirez l'histoire de la contrebande et tisserands à domicile qui ont marqué l'histoire de cette partie de la ville. Mais avant de débuter votre visite, voici en quelques mots, l'histoire de Wattrelos. Cette zone est habitée depuis longtemps, puisque des traces d'habitation datant de l'époque gallo-romaine ont été retrouvées dans différents endroits de la ville actuelle. Durant le Moyen Age, Wattrelos se nomme “Waterloos”, nom flamand signifiant “sans eau” qui est la possession de la puissante abbaye de Saint-Bavon de Gand dans l’actuelle Belgique.   Du XVème au XVIIème siècle, la ville est marquée par plusieurs guerres, dont les plus importantes sont la Bataille de l’Espierre en 1488 et l’affrontement entre les catholiques et les protestants en 1566 durant les Guerres de Religion.  À la fin du XVIIème siècle, Wattrelos devient une ville frontalière lorsque Lille devient la possession de Louis XVI et donc de la France. Dans la seconde moitié du XIXème siècle, la ville va connaître une période d’essor avec l’installation des usines de textile, qui vont attirer une importante main d’œuvre. Cette activité va venir compléter les revenus tirés de l’agriculture et du tissage à domicile. En effet, la ville compte, depuis le XIVème siècle, de très nombreux tisserands à domicile, en particulier dans cette partie de Wattrelos que vous allez maintenant visiter

10 Rue du 8 Mai 1945 59150 Wattrelos
- Wattrelos Tourisme -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾