A wonderful exploration of the limestone plateau of Larina, overlooking the River Rhône. A whole array of archaeological remains, displayed across a 21-hectare site, tell us that this plateau was inhabited from the Neolithic period until the 10th century.
From Crémieu, head north on the D65 road towards Leyrieu, then turn off to the right, towards Verna. When you reach Hières-sur-Amby, turn right onto the D52a towards Optevoz, then take the D140a to Courtenay. From there, head for Soleymieu and Carisieu on the D14, then take the D54 towards Siccieu-Etang and, finally, turn left back towards Crémieu.
IGN Top 100 Map no. 51 - Michelin Local Map no. 333
Map references :
IGN Top 100 Map no. 51 - Michelin Local Map no. 333
Phone : 04 74 90 45 13
All year round.
Subject to favorable weather.
Isère Attractivité - 22/03/2024
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The Maison du Patrimoine (heritage museum) takes you through the history of Isle Crémieu from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. The museum displays a rich collection of archaeological items and various remains collected from local sites.
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