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Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Circuit Historique de Sarreguemines
Credit : Cindy Turpin - Sarreguemines Tourisme


For a long time, the habit of looking up to appreciate the architecture of buildings or the character of the oldest streets has been lost. However, thanks to the crossroads of influences, styles and eras, the town of Sarreguemines has a real architectural heritage that deserves to be brought to light.

The Historical and Architectural Tour thus allows you to discover or rediscover the city's little-known urban treasures. The medieval part of the tour ends in front of the Church of St Nicholas. The rest of the tour focuses on a more recent period, marked by the industrial boom and the influence of Art Nouveau, with the Maison Ficher, named after the architect who had it built in 1905, and which has a splendid ceramic façade.

The visitor then has only a few minutes to walk before reaching the end of the tour: a passage in front of the Palais de Justice, a short stop in front of the kiln, the only one of its kind in continental Europe, and the discovery of the Casino des Faïenceries.

Throughout the tour, the town reveals itself. Its history will be told to you, as you walk along the streets and see the most beautiful buildings, tracing the evolution of the town from the Middle Ages to the 20th century: the finesse of the architecture, unusual stories, heritage treasures...

Technical Information

Very easy
2.5 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

11 Rue Poincaré , 57200SARREGUEMINES
Lat : 49.11023988008Lng : 7.07034886837

Points of interest

image du object


Sarreguemines earthenware in all its states! The discreet facade of this town centre building hides its game well! On the first floor, the museum conceals a real treasure classified as a historical monument, almost unsuspected from the outside. If you had been a distinguished guest in 1882, you would probably have been received by Paul de Geiger, the emblematic director of the Sarreguemines earthenware factory, in his magnificent Winter Garden decorated with earthenware tiles. Today, this beautiful house transformed into a museum can be visited all year round. Young and old alike can discover the most beautiful examples of Sarreguemines' internationally renowned earthenware production from the 19th and 20th centuries. One thing is certain, you will see a lot! And don't forget to end your visit with a little diversions to the earthenware kiln... of course! This enormous 11-metre high brick dome is located outside the museum. The ultimate witness of the first industrial revolution still has many secrets to reveal! Free admission on the first Sunday of each month and during the Christmas Market

15-17 Rue Poincaré 57200 SARREGUEMINES
- Office de Tourisme Sarreguemines Confluences -
image du object


Marque nationale Accueil VéloNos Experts du Territoire vous accueillent toute l’année et vous réservent un accueil personnalisé afin de répondre au mieux à vos demandes. Découvrez nos nombreuses activités sportives, culturelles et de détente. Participez à nos visites commentées et sorties-nature, enflammez-vous au rythme du Carnaval, Vibrez lors de la Saint-Paul – Festival des Arts de Rue, Enivrez-vous des odeurs et saveurs du Marché de Noël. Grâce à nos séjours clés en main et nos excursions groupes partez à la découverte de l’histoire de Sarreguemines et sa région. La boutique de l’Office de Tourisme vous offre un large choix de spécialités locales, de produits en platt (dialecte régional), mais aussi la vente de billets pour les concerts, spectacles, conférences, sites touristiques, croisières… A très vite !

8 rue Poincaré 57200 SARREGUEMINES
- Office de Tourisme Sarreguemines Confluences -
image du object


It was erected between 1760 and 1768 with Vosges’ sandstone in a neo-classical style. It has been named from Saint Nicolas, patron saint of the boatman, the children and Lorraine. The monument was built according to the military architect Charles Martin’s plans. Its architecture is massive and you can observe some patterns mentioning military insignia (helmets, flags …) for the glory of the Divine Armies in the pediment. On the upper part of the front door you can see three sculpted angels’ heads placed above and below a triangle containing God’s eye. This figure represents the Holy Trinity. In the 18th century, the church represented a very massive building regarding the number of inhabitants in the town (2,000 people). The monument contains interesting furniture from the 18th century. The High-Altar and the pulpit are characteristic works from the baroque time. The pulpit is interesting with its rockery patterns. It is decorated with a dove, symbol of the divine inspiration and of the four evangelists Luke, Matthew, Mark and John, who are realized in naïve style. The church has also a baroque organ, bought in 1769, which was reformed a few times and the last one after the fire in 1990. Its today’s façade contains a central body from the 18th century and the lateral towers (1850). The instrumental part has been rebuilt by the instrument maker Yves Koenig according to the bill of specifications established by Norbert Petri. The three big paintings of the chorus are the work of Januareuszick, the official painter of the Prince-Bishop of Trêves’ Court. They represent the Nativity, the descent of the cross and the Resurrection. The most precious sculpture and the dearest of Sarreguemines’ chorus id the Piéta from the chapel of the Virgin Mary (1663).

rue de l'Église 57200 SARREGUEMINES
- Office de Tourisme Sarreguemines Confluences -

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Ces informations sont issues de la plateforme SITLOR - Système d’Information Touristique - Lorraine
Elles sont synchronisées dans le cadre du partenariat entre Cirkwi, l’Agence régionale du Tourisme Grand Est et les membres du comité technique de Sitlor.


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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾