The small town of Coulonges-sur-L'Autize has undergone three major phases of development during its history. In the Middle Ages, the settlement gathered around the church of Saint-Etienne. The medieval nucleus, now a little out of place, is characterized by winding streets where a few houses show signs of age. A second period of urbanization began in the 16th century with the construction of a vast castle, built around a large quadrangular square. Finally, the 19th century ushered in a new period of prosperity and growth. This economic boom, linked to the exploitation of lime kilns, resulted in the construction of major roads, the installation of the railway, the building of market halls and a wealthy housing.
Fixed telephone : +33 5 49 06 10 72
Mairie de Coulonges-sur-l'Autize
Cellular telephone : +33 6 22 88 67 21
Office de Tourisme du Val de Gâtine
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