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Green link of Bourg en Bresse

Green link of Bourg en Bresse
Green link of Bourg en Bresse
Green link of Bourg en Bresse
Green link of Bourg en Bresse
Green link of Bourg en Bresse
Green link of Bourg en Bresse


Green link from Bourg-en-Bresse to the Bouvent leisure park.

Technical Information

Very easy
7.9 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Promenade St Nicolas au parc de Bouvent , 01000Bourg-en-Bresse
Lat : 46.202036Lng : 5.23278

Points of interest

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Apothecary of the Hôtel-Dieu

The apothecary of Bourg-en-Bresse is composed of three rooms: a laboratory which has remained intact, a back room and a dispensary, with magnificent Louis XV woodwork housing an impressive collection of earthenware and bottles.It was the pharmacy of the old hospital, the Hôtel-Dieu, from the end of its construction (1782-1790) until 1963. Its laboratory is a remarkable room, as it is nowadays very rare to be able to visit one. It allows you to immerse yourself in the chemistry of the past centuries: copper stills, mortars, cast iron furnace (19th century), press, all kinds of pewter... The back room reveals the first earthenware pots, canon pots or chevrettes, as well as a library containing old books, including one from the 17th century. The oak woodwork of the dispensary gives the room a cozy character. Some parts are carved to receive exactly the corresponding ceramics, the famous "watch pots", three of which are inscribed with the famous Theriac. A journey into the pharmacopoeia of past centuries through more than a thousand containers! Distillates, powders, ointments, pills, syrups, oils, dried plants...

47 boulevard de Brou 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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Co-cathédrale Notre-Dame

The collegiate church of Notre-Dame, the stuff of medieval legend, occupies a central place in the city of Burgundy, and particularly in the hearts of its inhabitants. Construction began in the late Middle Ages, but was not completed until 190 years later!Bourg-en-Bresse parish church. The exact name of this church is "collegiate co-cathedral of Notre-Dame de l'Annonciation". The term "co-cathedral" was officially coined in 1992, to define Notre-Dame as the secondary seat of the bishopric of Belley-Ars, which returned to Bourg in the 1970s after more than 4 centuries on the other side of the département. However, it was to be a cathedral that Notre-Dame was erected in the early 16th century, but the vagaries of history and the various conflicts between Francis I and Charles V decided otherwise, and Notre-Dame definitively lost its cathedral title in 1534. The beginnings of the construction are rather vague, and although work was certainly initiated at the end of the 15th century, 1505 is the official date, supported by a bull from Pope Julius II of the same year. The aim was to enlarge and embellish a Romanesque pilgrimage chapel on this site, already dedicated to the Virgin and known as the Chapelle Sainte-Marie de Bourg, whose origins date back to the 13th century. Legend has it that a shepherd found an icon of the Virgin Mary on this spot, which, despite being deposited in the parish church of the day (located just a stone's throw from the center of the town at the time) systematically returned to the place of its discovery! It was as if Mary wanted to show the Burgundians of the Middle Ages that she wanted to be venerated here. The healing of Count Aymon of Savoy, who came to implore Sainte-Marie de Bourg, only strengthened Burgers' devotion to the woman who was to become their patron saint. In the 19th century, a chapel to the right of the choir was completely refurbished and dedicated to the Virgin Mary, who became the Vierge Noire over the years and is now venerated as Notre-Dame de Bourg, the town's patron saint. Her wardrobe has expanded over the centuries, and her vestments and the colors with which she is adorned depend on the liturgical season. Many of the church's furnishings are remarkable, such as the triptych donated by Nicolas Chichon (1523), the choir stalls (18th century), the Black Madonna altarpiece (19th century), Armand Calliat's white marble high altar adorned with enamel and gilded bronzes (19th century), Fyot's pulpit (1760), the great organ (17th-20th centuries), and the large choir windows by Eugène Oudinot (19th century)... Don't miss the hanging keystone and the tetramorph overhanging the choir, the Saint-Crépin et Saint-Crépinien stained-glass window (1530), the only original stained-glass window, and the contemporary stained-glass windows (1920s and 1960s). The bell tower, decapitated during the Terror, was rebuilt in reinforced concrete by departmental architect Tony Ferret, between 1909 and 1911. To mark the occasion, the belfry was fitted with 4 clock dials and a set of 23 bells; 17 bells from the Paccard company in Annecy were added to the 6 bells already in the belfry, most of which were connected to an automatic carillon still in operation today. The entrance portal is crowned by a wood-carved medallion depicting the Annunciation (under which the 15th-century cathedral was erected), surmounted by a conch in which is set a statue of the Virgin and Child by Coysevox (1855).

10 place Clémenceau 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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Seillon wood

A 600 hectars forest : wonderfull playground for horse-riders, walkers and other outdoor games lovers. Paths, sport track, special path for children, playgrounds, pinic areas. A green path starts in Bourg-en-Bresse and is directed to the forest crossing Bouvent lake ! Bus stop. 3 new educational courses dedicated to children, and its sensitive natural space, inaugurated. A discovery tour was conducted for families (children from 6 to 12 years old)! Booklet in PDF version:

Forêt domaniale de Seillon 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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La porte des Jacobins

Ancien portail d'entrée au couvent des Dominicains, établis à Bourg en 1414. Il indiquait aux Burgiens le chemin de l'église conventuelle, détruite à la Révolution.Ce monument est emblématique des quartiers anciens de Bourg-en-Bresse. Appelé ""porte des Jacobins"" (surnom donné autrefois aux Dominicains), il s'agit d'une arcade gothique érigée en 1497, seule rescapée des trois portails d'origine qui fermaient la clôture. Alors appelé ""portail de la fontaine des Jacobins"" (la fontaine a disparu), il permettait aux habitants de rejoindre l'église. Le couvent fut fondé en 1414 par le comte Amédée VIII de Savoie et occupait un vaste espace, compris entre la rue Bourgneuf (rue de la République), la rue petite Verchère (rue Jules Migonney) et la rue Verchère (rue du lycée). Il est en grande partie détruit pendant la Révolution. En 1824, la congrégation Saint-Joseph rachète les ruines, reconstruit et s'y implante. Aujourd'hui collège et lycée catholiques Saint-Joseph et Institut des jeunes sourds. Des frères dominicains ne reste guère qu'un escalier Henri II à double révolution. Quant à la porte des Jacobins, elle arbore toujours fièrement le blason de son bienfaiteur, le maître drapier Guillot de la Bertrandière.

Place Edgar Quinet 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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Old parts of Bourg-en-Bresse

Au coeur de la ville 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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Royal Monastery of Brou

Whether you are crazy about culture, history, architecture, art or even love, go and discover this unique monument in France! A place born 5 centuries ago from the love of an exceptional woman, Marguerite of Austria, for her late husband.Admire the church, a masterpiece of flamboyant gothic style, its abundant stone lace and its 3 princely tombs. Let yourself be caught up in the fabulous destiny of the founding princess and discover the life of the monks in the past. In the Museum of Fine Arts, cross several centuries of art history, from the 12th century to today. With your family, alone or with friends, explore this multi-faceted place all year long. At the crossroads of plastic, visual and performing arts, the Royal Monastery of Brou offers a lively and unexpected program for all!

63 boulevard de Brou 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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Musée de la mécanographie

The only museum in France that tells the story of a vanished profession: that of the mechanics. Presentation of about 350 machines, some of which are very rare, with comments from former mechanics. A surprising discovery.Exhibition of more than 350 typewriters, calculators, accountants, mechanical and electro-mechanical billers, including duplicators and early dictation machines. Some pieces are remarkable, such as a typewriter from 1878, one in Braille, a Chinese one with its 3,000 Mandarin signs. The opportunity to discover the technical progress of the 19th century to the 1990s, when micro-computing put an end to mechanography. Visitors can use some of the machines.

47 boulevard Victor Hugo Entrée réservée pour les véhicules handicapés par le 68 Boulevard de Brou. 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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Parc de la Visitation

L’entrée du parc de la Visitation se fait par une grille en fer forgé, classée Monument historique et provenant d'un ancien château de Bresse.L’entrée du parc de la Visitation se fait par une grille en fer forgé, classée Monument historique et provenant d'un ancien château de Bresse. Vous êtes dans l’allée François Picquet missionnaire originaire de Bourg-en-Bresse (voir plaque métallique sur la tour). À remarquer : l’ancien lavoir, l’ancien château d’eau (tour-pigeonnier alimentée par la source des Capucins), "Le retour du grand-père" (statue d'Alphonse Muscat), ainsi que la mystérieuse "poype" (tertre surmonté d’une énigmatique colonne qui supportait une statue de la Vierge au temps des Visitandines [1870 à 1983]). Cette fausse poype doit son existence à la terre amassée lors de la démolition de la citadelle. Les massifs d’ifs et de buis, symboles d’immortalité, sont omniprésents sur cet ancien lieu de prière, donnant au parc une atmosphère bien particulière. Les arbres se répartissent entre chênes, érables, épicéas, tilleuls, hêtres, noyers et marronniers, sans oublier un ginkgo biloba (arbre aux 40 écus, introduit pour cette somme en France ; à l’automne ses feuilles ont aussi l’éclat d’écus d’or).

Boulevard Maréchal Leclerc 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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Square Lalande

Cet espace est organisé autour de la statue de l’astronome Jérôme de Lalande. Le buste est posé sur un socle imposant d’Alphonse Muscat présentant Uranie, la muse de l’astronomie.Cet espace est organisé autour de la statue de l’astronome Jérôme de Lalande. Le buste est posé sur un socle imposant d’Alphonse Muscat présentant Uranie, la muse de l’astronomie. Remarquez les étoiles, le globe terrestre et les signes du Zodiaque ainsi qu’une lunette astronomique. L’espace est entouré de tilleuls argentés. Un rare févier d’Amérique aux redoutables épines porte son ombre légère sur le monument.

Avenue Alsace Lorraine 01000 Bourg-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -

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Bourg-en-Bresse Destinations - Office de tourisme - 29/07/2024
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