On the way, take time to admire the castle, the panorama, the nature as well as the forests of Aleppo pines and Kermes oaks.
Signs: Yellow Markings
From the parking lot at the foot of the castle, take the D60 (avenue de Villefloure) in the direction of Mas de Cours. Take the third street on the left, called chemin Mingaud (trail in common with the "Pierres et Vignes - Peiras e Vinas" trail, a path linking the City of Carcassonne to the abbey of Saint-Hilaire).
At the fork, go right and follow the path to the plateau at the top of the village. The itinerary turns right, past the olive grove and turns left.
You will soon reach a fork in the road (sign). Walk along the path to the right, up along a vineyard and then to the left.
Reach another fork in the path. Turn left towards a very wooded area (viewpoint with an observation post). Pass to the north of the “Mont des Justices”.
Then go down for about 500m to reach a crossroads in the pines.
Possibility of a shortcut by turning right (small loop of 2.5km) to join the main route passing south of Les Justices.
On the left, the large loop goes down to a road; follow it on the left for 30m, then go down into the undergrowth on the left by a path along the “Toron” stream. At the exit of the wood, carry on this same path to a crossroads.
Turn left in the direction of Leuc, also taking the path "Pierre et Vignes- Peiras e Vinas"trail. Always follow the same track between woods and vineyards and back to the olive grove, admire the Panorama during the whole descent.
LEUC – Parking lot at the foot of the castle
LEUC – Parking lot at the foot of the castle
In this wooded massif, you will appreciate an impressive panorama, open on the Pyrenees, the City of Carcassonne, the Black Mountain, the Corbières and the Razès.
Parking lot at the foot of the castle.
Parking au pied du château, berges du Lauquet (inondable)
RTCA - Ligne K
Be careful in the descent between points 3 and 4. Muddy and slippery ground in rainy weather between points 3 and 5. Hunting area (ask the town hall).