At the bottom of a valley runs the small stream of la Valette, with an unregular and weak flow. It goes through a limestone land, due to the sea advancing 52 thousand years ago. You will encounter Aragons botanical path. On the side of the valley, limestones vary with marls used as a support for terrace culture. Except some vineyards, vegetation is mostly Mediterranean. It is characterised by the importance of long lasting leaves species, which give those green landmark even in the winter.
Yellow markingsStart by going left of the permanent podium. The path starts by the crossing of a stream, then goes on following it back up. You will then need to turn right in order to cross the stream on bridge, and turn left right away and walk between the two hills. Walk along an exposed large field (used to be some vines) in order to go back up the hillside along the stream.Further , a small wooden bridge will allow you to cross it again. The path will progressively go upwards to the Font de l’Orme plateau, in an undergrowth, very enjoyable during summer.Turn left once then again 100 m further. Go past a shelter under a rock. Carry on straight ahead, the landmark opens and allows you to admire the valley and its rocky escarpments before your sight drifts to the village built on a buttress.Once out of the undergrowth, the path goes down to the left, leave the starting points on the right.
Once down, you will find the "La Valette" stream and on the right, the path leading back to the parking lot.
ARAGON - Maison du Cabardès carpark, under the bridge
ARAGON - Maison du Cabardès carpark, under the bridge
We see many trees (Alep pine, oak trees), shrubs (boxwood, privet), bushes (aspic lavender, broom), low plants (thyme) and flowers (violets, orchards). All this in an exceptional setting, at the heart of the scrubland, in a fragrant atmosphere and sprinkled with dried rock shelters and a shelter under a rock also called« fitted balm ».
Depuis Carcassonne, prendre la D6113 en direction de Pennautier, puis D203, travserser Pennautier, rester sur la D203 jusqu'à Aragon.
Parking de la Maison du Cabardès
RTCA - Ligne J