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Les Plus Beaux Villages cyclo-sport circuit


Pedal your way through the most beautiful villages in Corrèze on this 83.9 km sportive cycle circuit!
Among the villages along the route, 4 of them, namely Turenne, Collonges-la-Rouge, Curemonte and Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, have been awarded the "Most Beautiful Villages in France" label.

Your adventure begins in the medieval village of Turenne. Its castle dominates the plateau and offers a breathtaking panorama from its promontory.

A few kilometres away, Collonges-la-Rouge will surprise you with its red sandstone buildings in a green setting.

Next, go to Curemonte. Set on a rocky ridge, this castrum imposes its authority with elegance thanks to its towers which proudly dominate the surrounding valleys.

Finally, take a refreshing break at the magnificent medieval town of Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, situated in a meander of the Dordogne.

Technical Information

Racing biking
85 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Lat : 45.053497Lng : 1.579734

Points of interest

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The hilltop town of Turenne overlooks the countryside in all directions. Atop the hill there remain the ruins of the 13th century medieval Château de Turenne. This castle served as the feudal powerbase of one of the most powerful dynasties in medieval France - the Viscounty of Turenne. They reigned over the regions of Limousin, Périgord and Quercy for almost 10 centuries from the early Middle Ages until the 1700s. The 14th century Keep and Guard’s room of the castle remain intact and when exploring this listed monument, a climb up the spiral staircase of the fortified towers is rewarded with truly spectacular 360 degree views. In the village below, the 17th century Church of Our Lady of St.Pantaleon is acclaimed for its magnificent stained glassed windows.

- Corrèze Tourisme -
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In 2018, the « Moulin de la Vie Contée » (the Oil Mill of « as is a Tale, so is Life ») welcomes you to discover how we press in our stone barn, typical from the « golden age of peasants » in Corrèze at the end of the 19th century, but also to wander around our orchards with their unique view over the castle of the ancient Viscounty of Turenne, the least one to join the French Kingdom in 1738. To save the family farm by re-inventing it, Anne Jaubertie and Cyrille Abonnel founded the FIAT NUX Company late 2016. Until 2009, their parents were growing porks and veals produced from suckled calves typical from the Limousin Region, and harvesting “Périgord Walnuts” under DPO. Anne and Cyrille focused on walnuts and oil. They acquired and reshaped a centenary oil mill during five years, to keep alive and radiate such a traditional know-how typical from the South-West gastronomy.

74, impasse de Bas d'Issole 19500 LIGNEYRAC
- Corrèze Tourisme -
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Vin de pays de la Corrèze 'Mille et une pierres'

Having obtained the bronze medal in the World Fair of 1878, the wine of Branceilles had fallen into oblivion, victim of the phylloxera. Eight farmers made it be reborn in 1987, baptizing it "Mille et une pierres" in memory of the ingratitude of the ground. The vineyard (45 % of Cabernet franc, 30 % of gamay and 25 % of merlot) gives 200 000 bottles of red and rosé wine. Tours, tastings and sale of estate wines. Open daily (except Sundays and public holidays) from 10am-noon and 3-6pm. Discovery walks through the vineyards (3, 4 or 5km) departing from the wine cellar.

Le Bourg 19500 BRANCEILLES
- Corrèze Tourisme -
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A medieval village with three castles and three churches, Curemonte was inhabited by the French writer Colette during the Second World War. Old aristocratic houses line the narrow streets alongside the old ramparts. Attractive corn exchange. Guided tours for individuals in season, Monday to Saturday; times vary. Tours for groups of more than 20 people all year by prior arrangement. Duration: 1hr.

- Corrèze Tourisme -
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Musée de l'Homme de Neandertal ''Jean Bouyssonie"

Réalisé sous la direction scientifique du paléoanthropologue Jean Louis HEIM, le musée fait le point, en neuf zones d'intérêt, sur la période néandertalienne autour de la reconstitution de la fosse et du squelette de l'homme de Néandertal, découverts en 1908 par Jean Bouyssonie. Nombreuses animations pour adultes et enfants : café de la préhistoire et conférences scientifiques, Grande Fête de la Préhistoire : salon du livre préhistorique, championnat européen de tir aux armes préhistoriques, ateliers et démonstration taille de silex, fabrication de bijoux... . Ateliers pédagogiques "deviens un homme préhistorique" visites adaptées aux enfants avec ateliers en juillet et août

- Corrèze Tourisme -
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Beaulieu sur Dordogne

The medieval town of Beaulieu stands on the right bank of the River Dordogne. Nicknamed the "Limousin Riviera" because of its mild climate, the area is perfect for strawberry cultivation. The abbey church of St Pierre is all that remains of the Benedictine abbey founded here in the 9C by Raoul de Turenne, the archbishop of Bourges. Of particular interest is the tympanum depicting the Last Judgement, one of the finest in France.

- Corrèze Tourisme -
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Puy d'Arnac viewing table

Access by D.153. Ancient castrum Gallo-Roman who occupies one of the last hills limestones before the granitic trays of Limousin. Three viewpoint indicators with description help to discover the vast panorama: in the East and in the South, the sight concerns to the Dordogne valley, whereas in the northwest are outlined reliefs more stressed by the region of Meyssac and Turenne. Landscape of valleys, hills with meadows occupied by curtains of poplars. Free access all year long. The platform was fitted out in picnic area.

- Corrèze Tourisme -
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Meyssac's history is closely linked to that of the viscounty of Turenne. Fortified in the 12C, Meyssac has a rich cultural and architectural heritage. Of particular interest are the 16C half-timbered houses built around the town's fortified church, endowed with a fine Romanesque doorway, and the 17C corn market.

- Corrèze Tourisme -
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The Meyssac fault and stone discovery centre

A space dedicated to the discovery of local geology and the uses of stone in the commune. A model, explanatory panels, objects and display cases of rock samples and fossils will take you back to the lush forests of the Permian period (more than 250 million years ago) or to the ocean floor that covered the region in the Jurassic period (about 180 million years ago); all of which will help you to understand the geological fault of Meyssac and its impact on the landscapes, the flora and the architecture. The "star" fossils of the museum: - a group of langoustines which was the subject of a study by the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle describing a new species. - A fish from the Brive basin dating from the Permian, the first of a new species, Briveichtys Chantepiorum. Basement: exhibition of stone furniture, numerous panels documenting the theme of construction and access to the vaulted cellar.

1, rue Leymonerie 19500 NOAILHAC
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Collonges la Rouge

The medieval turrets and towers of Collonges-la-Rouge define the skyline of this unusual 14th century village. The distinctive deep red sandstone of the buildings (rich in iron oxide) sets it apart from any other and is at its most striking at dusk. The village became a stronghold of the Viscounts of Turenne in the 14th century, one of the largest fiefdoms in France. A wander through the narrow cobbled streets leads to an impressive church, artisanal workshops, lovely restaurants and small boutiques selling local wines and decorative objects. The centre boasts many impressive 15th and 16th century houses such as the Maison de la Sirène, with period interiors and a small mermaid sculpted in a stone outside. A visit to the Château de Vassinhac, owned by the former feudal Lord of the town, is now fully refurbished with antique pieces including the former bed chambers of the famous French writer Colette.

- Corrèze Tourisme -

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Image Corrèze Tourisme
proposed by Corrèze Tourisme
45 Quai Aristide Briand 19000 TULLE France

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾