Petite boucle autour du Luech dans une zone de faille entre schiste et granit, riche en minerais, près d'anciens sites miniers.
Take the road for 1.5 km after the retirement home (maison de retraite). At the fork, take the lower road, below Polimies, at the foot of La Fare mountain. Walk past 3 cypresses – trees traditionally planted in Cevenol cemeteries – then past a burned-down chestnut grove taken over by broom bushes. Cross the bridge over the Dreiléirède. After the bridge over the Rieutort, take the path that goes uphill to Soleyrols. In Soleyrols, at the fountain, follow the road on the left to the end, then take the narrow tarred lane below, go down a few steps, and walk past former orchards towards the torrent. Cross the Luech at the gué (ford). The path goes uphill in a steep and narrow valley between a low wall and, on the valley side, some standing stones. Use the ford to cross the Villaret and take the track that runs downstream along the Luech. The track joins up with the road to Castagnols. Go downhill for 1.2 km before taking the small path on the left into the undergrowth of a chestnut grove. Near the riverbanks of the Luech, there is an area maintained and fitted out for bathers. After crossing La Planche bridge, take the path on the left that goes back up to Vialas.
As you enter Vialas on the road from Le Pont-de-Montvert
As you enter Vialas on the road from Le Pont-de-Montvert
A small loop around the river Luech that goes through the ore-rich fault zone between schist and granite and passes former mining sites.
Take the D998 road towards Génolhac to Vialas
Car parks in Vialas
Fords: when water levels are high, please make enquiries before setting out. Make sure your equipment is appropriate for the day's weather conditions. Remember that the weather changes quickly in the mountains. Take enough water, wear good shoes and put on a hat. Please close all gates and barriers after yourself.