A family hike to discover the landscapes of the upper Corréziens.
The Route Turgot, also known as "La Turgotière", winds its way through damp gorse meadows, deciduous and spruce woods and meadows grazed by Limousin cattle. The Turgotière, dotted with examples of small-scale heritage (churches, crosses, standing stones), offers beautiful views of the Limousin mountains, dotted with villages with many farms and businesses.
This route is proposed by the Comité Régional de Randonnée Pédestre. Departing from a train station or TER bus stop, it allows you to join a walking or hiking itinerary, and take a stroll in ecomobility!
Fixed telephone : +33 5 55 26 91 90
Comité Départemental FFRandonnée de la Corrèze
Web site (URL) : www.terresdecorreze.com/randonnee/la-turgotiere/
Web site (URL) : lacelle-correze.fr/histoire/
Web site (URL) : m.ter.sncf.com/nouvelle-aquitaine
Les renseignements sur les transports TER en Nouvelle Aquitaine.
2 to 3 hours