Don't be in a hurry to leave Oloron, the beautiful old capital of the Haut-Béarn region. But when you finally do, from the top of Sainte-Croix, you'll face the indentation that the Gave d'Aspe has carved into the Pyrenean wall. The path you're about to take follows this very indentation.
Beforehand, it will have wandered through the countryside. Suddenly, you enter a deep, intimate gorge, barely interrupted at Sarrance, a Mecca of Christianity as well as ancient Pyrenean religion? Just as suddenly, it opens out into the immense breath of air that is the Bedous plain.
This route is proposed by the Comité Régional de Randonnée Pédestre. Departing from a train station or TER bus stop, it allows you to join a walking or hiking itinerary, and take a stroll in ecomobility!
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White and red (GR®)
Walking trail
Hiking Route (GR®)