Walk through the wide open spaces of several important alpine pastures. From the passes of Tournerond and La Chante, admire the sumptuous panorama of the peaks surrounding you, you will leave with unforgettable images full head.
At the Pont des Amayères (parking), take the path that enters the gorges towards the Bergeries des Amayères 1. To the sheepfolds, the valley separates in two, take the left one which goes towards the Valle de Tranchemule 2, go along a small stream. After crossing the Vallon de Tranchemule, the trail stiffens to reach the Col de Tournerond 3. Join the Col de la Chante 4 crossing the alpine slopes to your right. Once on the ridge, you will descend to the pass. Leave the ridge and descend into the hollow of the valley to reach La Cassa 5. The trail, leading to the foot of the Chevalet mountain, widens and continues for a moment flat, then descends to the crossing of the Reservoir 6. From there, continue straight, cross the hamlet of Sièzes 7 and Chemin des Miellons 8. In the first turn of the road, a path allows to cut the laces to join the Pont des Amayères more quickly.
En train : Gare SNCF de Lus-la-Croix-Haute : calcul d'itineraire sur www.oura.comen bus : Ligne Express Régionale n°31 Grenoble-Marseille qui passe par Lus-la-Croix-HauteTransport à la demande :RÉSERVATION / ANNULATION : 04 8000 7000La veille avant 17h (le vendredi avant 16hlors d'une réservation pour le samedi)Service régulier (horaires et arrêts définis)Service à la correspondanceEn covoiturage : Proposez ou reservez votre covoiturage avec la plateforme régionale Mov'Ici.
You are on summery areas, maybe you will meet protective dogs, often Patous. Always make sure to bypass the herds, while remaining calm the time the dog identify you, do not pet or threaten them. If you have a dog, hold it on a leash.Use the passageways to cross the fences, close the gates and barriers out of respect for pastoral and agricultural activities. Stay on the marked paths is also respect private property.Be careful, the route is mainly in the mountain pastures, the trail is sometimes not very marked and may be confused with the traces left by the herds.
En alpage, les chiens de protection sont là pour protéger les troupeaux des prédateurs. Lorsque je randonne, j’adapte mon comportement en contournant le troupeau et en marquant une pause pour que le chien m’identifie. Cliquez ici pour voir la vidéo : c'est quoi au juste un chien de protection ?
Close to the Pont des Amayères
From the E712 / D1075, take the D505 towards Lus-la-Croix-Haute, then follow the D753 towards "Amayères".
Pont des Amayères, Lus-la-Croix-Haute
The alpine pastures offer a bucolic setting for this hike all in perspective: open view, feel fullness, privileged field of observation of griffon vultures and alpine fauna in general.
Pont des Amayères, Lus-la-Croix-Haute