A "classic" hike in the Eastern Pyrenees Orientales which offers an exceptional panorama
From the car park follow the road for 150 meters, then turn left.
Don’t cross the ford, take the path left along the high wall of Valmy Castle. At the Mas Peyrot, don’t take the DFCI but follow the path on the left . After the slope, cross the DFCI track, opposite floow the track that goes up into the oak forest and leads up to the Cova de l’Alarb Dolmen
Carry on up until you get to a crossroads. Take the second path on the left, cross the track, then take a right and left. At the Dolmen dels Collets of Collioure, continue on the path that leads to the track. Take a left and carry on up to a pool, walk round the pool on the left hand side and follow the rocky path up to the massif.
As the tracks join, take the path that goes under the electric wires and follow this track to the end. (Coll del Camp d'en Selva à 489 metres). There, take the path on the left that passes in front of the Font Sant Andreu.
Turn right to the Massane Tower and follow the edge line path. Enjoy the beautiful view (793 metres) look out when it’s windy. Go back down towards the north to the Coll del Pomer (554 metres).
Don’t take the path on the left, carry on to the crossing of the Roc del Grill(532 meters above the sea level).
Take a right, until you come to a crossing, carry straight on towards the ruins of Mas d’en Pardès.
Lower down, after the crossing, take a right down to the Mas de la Monja.
Carry on down the track towards Mas Blanc, join up with the road that leads you to the Valmy car park.
Valmy Castle car park
Valmy Castle car park
Discovery hiking. The Tower is located within the Massana Nature Reserve. To make the most of your hike, follow the rules and protect the environment
From Argelès sur Mer, follow directions to Valmy Castle
Parking, Château de Valmy
Retrouver toutes les lignes du bus à 1€ en cliquant ici
Prévoir une bonne hydratation, chaussures de marche, casquette et coupe-vent.Vérifier la météo avant le départ.Respecter la nature en rapportant vos déchets.Itinéraire inscrit au Plan Départemental des Itinéraires de Promenade et de Randonnée des Pyrénées-OrientalesLe PDIPR est un outil de protection juridique des tracés qui recense les itinéraires ouverts à la randonnée pédestre, équestre et VTT. Il vise ainsi à favoriser la découverte des sites naturels et des paysages ruraux en développant la pratique de la randonnée. Pour être inscrit à ce plan, un itinéraire doit répondre à un ensemble de critères de qualité en terme d'aménagement et de gestion.