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Walk around the Hippodrome

Walk around the Hippodrome
Credit : MEL

The Cirkwi brief

Explore the Grand Villas Route in France's North

Imagine strolling through the northern regions of France, where the majestic Villa Saint-Charles greets you along an encompassing route designed by the Office de Tourisme du Val de Deûle et Lys. This grand loop, carved into the fabric of history by Alfred Mongy and Edmond Ory, guides you toward architectural marvels nestled between Bourg and the racecourse. As you wander avenues marked by 1930s facades and pass historical totems, every step is imbued with the essence of discovery and elegance. Relive the past in leisurely walks, unraveling tales etched in stone and spirit.

Quick Guide to Route Specs

The route spans a total distance of 4.35 km, ranging from an altitude of 19 to 24 meters. It presents a very manageable ascent for walkers of all skills and interests. The journey is entirely on foot, emphasizing the ease of navigating through this historical expanse without the need for vehicular support. This technical brief highlights the physical specifics, offering a straightforward yet enriching experience for enthusiasts aiming to explore at their own pace.

Seasonal Advice for Travelers

Embarking on this historical journey offers varying experiences across seasons. In spring, the blooming surroundings enhance the architectural beauty, whereas summer provides long daylight hours for extensive exploration. Autumn surrounds you with a palette of colors, making it ideal for photographers. Winter, albeit cooler, offers its own serene charm with fewer crowds. Regardless of the season, ensure you’re dressed appropriately and carry water, as some stretches may have limited amenities. Additionally, always stay on the marked paths to preserve both your safety and the integrity of this historic route.

Insights into the Historic Heartland

The area encasing this route is steeped in a rich tapestry of history and culture. Originating in the late 19th century, the development of avenues like l’Hippodrome by pioneers such as Edmond Ory and Alfred Mongy, marked a significant architectural evolution. The Villa Saint-Charles stands as a testament to the Neo-Renaissance Flamande style, indicative of the region's architectural ambition and elegance. This territory, with its lush landscapes and historic edifices, reflects the broader cultural and historical significance of France's northern regions, offering a glimpse into the past that shaped this vibrant community.

Climate Essentials for Visitors

The region typically enjoys a temperate climate, with moderate rainfall throughout the year. Summers are pleasantly warm, making it an ideal time for exploring, whilst spring and autumn present milder but equally agreeable conditions. Winter tends to be cooler and may require warmer attire. For the optimum experience, visiting between late spring and early autumn is recommended, as the weather is conducive to outdoor activities, ensuring your journey through this historical path is both comfortable and memorable.
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Technical Information

Not specified
4.4 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Lat : 50.63917Lng : 3.03471

Points of interest

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Villa Saint-Charles

La Villa Saint-Charles est située au 193 avenue de l’Hippodrome. Cette villa-château de style Néo-Renaissance Flamande a été conçue en 1894 par l’architecte seclinois Victor Mollet.Ornée d’un beffroi, elle a été lauréate du concours architectural organisé par le promoteur Edmond Ory-Groulois de 1886 à 1901.

193 Avenue de l'Hippodrome 59130 Lambersart
- Office de Tourisme du Val de Deûle et Lys -
image du object

Villa Saint-Georges

Située au 218 avenue de l’Hippodrome, cette villa est l'œuvre de l’architecte lambersartois Albert Baert. Construite en 1893 elle est remarquable pour sa mosaïque Art Nouveau du chevalier St-Georges tuant le dragon signée Coilliot.

218 Avenue de l'Hippodrome 59130 Lambersart
- Office de Tourisme du Val de Deûle et Lys -
image du object

Villa Sdez

Située au 309 avenue de l’Hippodrome, cette villa Art Déco a été réalisée en 1933 par l’architecte lillois Marcel Boudin, élève de Robert Mallet-Stevens, pour l’ingénieur Paul Sdez, patron de blanchisserie.De style «streamline», elle est inspirée de la villa Cavrois, avec des éléments de l’architecture navale des paquebots en vogue, comme la tour vigie, les hublots et la terrasse sur toit.

309 Avenue de l'Hippodrome 59130 Lambersart
- Office de Tourisme du Val de Deûle et Lys -
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Le Colysée

Le Colysée de Lambersart est un lieu culturel et de loisirs conçu en bordure de la Deûle, à l’occasion de Lille 2004.En tant que Maison Folie, il évolue dans un cadre prestigieux et verdoyant, propice à la promenade en famille. Au sommet de cet ouvrage, vous profiterez de la vue panoramique sur la plaine et les jardins.Il accueille toute l’année des expositions culturelles et ludiques.

191 Avenue Pasteur 59130 Lambersart
- Office de Tourisme du Val de Deûle et Lys -
image du object

Les jardins du Colysée

Les jardins du Colysée sont ouverts toute l’année. Il existe deux jardins : le jardin mosaïque, qui sert d’accès à la plaine et dont la conception évoque les photos aériennes de Yann Arthus Bertrand et le jardin humide, destiné à exploiter la proximité de l’eau, qui trouve sa source dans la culture asiatique (bassins, nénuphars, bambous).

191 Avenue Pasteur 59130 Lambersart
- Office de Tourisme du Val de Deûle et Lys -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾