This section of the GRP tour du Bassin d'Arcachon runs along the northern coast of the Leyre delta, less well known than the southern coast, but wilder and more typical. Sights along the way include the ports of Biganos, Lanton, Andernos and Arès, with their oyster huts; the ecological reserves of the Certes estate and the salt meadows of Arès and Lège Cap Ferret; and the built heritage of the villages of Lanton and Andernos.
Check the tide tables, as some passages are inaccessible at high tide. Further information on the GRP Tour du bassin d?Arcachon guidebook.
This route is proposed by the Comité Régional de Randonnée Pédestre. Departing from a train station or TER bus stop, it allows you to join a walking or hiking itinerary, and to take an ecomobility trip!
Fixed telephone : +33 5 57 70 67 56
Office du tourisme coeur de Bassin
Web site (URL) :
Web site (URL) :
Les renseignements sur les transports TER en Nouvelle Aquitaine.
Yellow and red (GRP®)
Walking trail
Local Hiking Route (GRP®)
Over 4 hours