Following the GR® 364, you'll discover a landscape of gentle valleys, criss-crossed by meandering rivers (Clain), gorges, islands and ponds. The villages on this route are rich in architectural heritage (mansions, castles, churches and abbeys). Poitiers is well worth a visit (site, cathedral, etc.).
This route is proposed by the Comité Régional de Randonnée Pédestre. Departing from a train station or TER bus stop, it allows you to join a walking or hiking itinerary and take a stroll in ecomobility!
Fixed telephone : +33 0 54 94 13 39
Office de Tourisme de Lusignan
Fixed telephone : +33 0 54 94 12 12
Office de Tourisme de Poitiers
e-mail :
Comité de randonnée pédestre 86
Web site (URL) :
Web site (URL) :
Les renseignements sur les transports TER en Nouvelle Aquitaine.
White and red (GR®)
Walking trail
Hiking Route (GR®)
Over 4 hours