2.4 miles of footpaths traverse the Ludon marshland: an hour's immersive walk is a more than edifying experience
This walk is best broken down into three stages.The first begins at the Maison du Marais: built at the behest of the Lord of Agassac, this is where the city guard was stationed to watch over the peasant's land. This architecturally unusual edifice was designed to face the meadows.Stage two: the secret life of its inhabitants. Nestled in the undergrowth, you'll find sandpipers, ducks, and waterfowl... Marsh harriers watch on as large wading birds stretch their long legs into the muddy waters. Discover the habitat of the timid muskrat, mounds of earth and reeds, and catch a glimpse of a non-venomous ring-necked viper as it slides into the water to hunt. Observe the graceful flight of the dragonflies, and listen out for croaking toads...
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