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Grand Goulet and Trois Commères

Grand Goulet and Trois Commères
Credit : PNRHJ / Nina Verjus


Departing from Morbier - the village having given its name to the famous black-streaked cheese and to grandfather clocks - this diverse circuit will lead you to the foot of the Trois Commères, and, at its peak, to the "balcon des Crottes" with a plunging view over the Morez viaducts.

Starting at LA BUCLE CAMPSITE, the trail borders the campsite (yellow waymarking) before coming to "Rue des Pontets", at the roundabout, and heading right up "rue Germain Paget" for 300 m.
A good grassy path heads to the right and past the la Bucle farm, before turning left and up into the forest via a forest path that leads to Les Préhez.
The road to your right in the combe will lead you to the Goulet. Head behind the building and follow the leftmost path. A steep forest path will then lead you to the ridge at Sur les Côtes.
Opposite you, take the gravel road (yellow and red waymarking) that quickly branches off to the right and leads to the Trois Commères via a narrow trail. Continue on abother forest path to reach a road signposted LES TROIS COMMERES. To your left, the road descends to the La Bucle Pass.
At the pass, follow along the path (yellow waymarking), and then take the winding trail to your left towards the BALCON DES CROTTES. The steep trail overlooking and following alongside the railway will take you to Les Crottes.
The MORBIER church is accessible within 5 mins to your left via the Viaducts.
On returning to les Crottes, follow the trail along the mountain slope (yellow and red waymarking) and then take the stony path that heads up Sur la Gare.
Go down the road to your left (yellow waymarking). A trail bordering the Bruyères lake will take you to the Bucle campsite parking lot.

Technical Information

8.4 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Lat : 46.541445Lng : 6.0202664

Points of interest

image du object

Etang de Morbier

Le plan d'eau des Bruyères est un petit lac aménagé, situé à proximité de la piscine et du camping. La pêche est autorisée en saison pour la truite, le blanc, le brochet, la carpe, la perche, le sandre, le black-bass et la tanche. Elle est gérée par une association. Dans le village de Morbier, à moins d’un kilomètre de cet étang, vous pourrez également découvrir l’église Saint Michel qui conserve de nombreuses traces du passé horloger de Morbier qui est, grâce à la famille Mayet, le lieu de naissance de l’horloge comtoise.Avant 1789 on dénombrait à Morbier plus de 500 forgerons-cloutiers. Sachant cela, on explique mieux l’évolution rapide de notre industrie vers l’horlogerie puis ensuite vers la lunetterie et autres…. Ici, il apparaît nécessaire de préciser que l’horlogerie n’a pas été inventée à Morbier.Déjà depuis des siècles, d’habiles artisans étrangers construisaient des horloges sur commande et sur mesures, qui constituaient des pièces uniques. Les frères MAYET, originaires de Savoie, émigrés vers 1650 dans la région pour fuir les persécutions calvinistes, possédaient des connaissances solides en horlogerie. Installés à Morbier, ils entreprennent la fabrication d’horloges simples, robustes, en y apportant de constantes améliorations, comme l’échappement, de leur invention. Dès 1675, ils mettent au point le système du balancier. Cette horloge se vendra bientôt partout sous le nom de COMTOISE DE MORBIER, d’où sa qualification de « Berceau de l’horlogerie ».A découvrir dans l’église : l'horloge géante comtoise. En extérieur : la méridienne et l’horloge à trois cadrans. 

- Parc naturel régional du Haut-Jura -

Additional information

Public transport

To visit and get about in the High-Jura, visit, the eco-mobility portal listing all means of transport within the Park.


Be careful when approaching the Balcon des Crottes.
This trail uses forest paths. To respect the owners and farmers granting you passage, and for the security of livestock and wild fauna, we ask that you remain on the waymarked paths. Use the adapted passageways to get across fencing and be sure to close gateways behind you. Lastly, please keep your dog on a lead if you have one.Wild flowers are beautiful, they may be rare and protected and often wilt quickly. Do not pick them! They will delight the next hikers.In case of forest works (felling, skidding, etc.), for your safety, know when to stop and turn around.

Advised parking

in front of the swimming pool and campsite, at the top of the village


3 km north of Morez via the N5. Head up the village of Morbier, head past the railway line and turn right onto rue Germain Paget.




This hike unveils a harmonious contrast between vast pastures scattered with a few isolated farms and remnants of an industrial nature, the mark of a successful union between the work of Man and that of nature. You will be seduced by the grandeur of the viaduct breaking away from the mountainside, proof of the obstinacy of human ingenuity and of Man's fierce determination to brave hostile environments for the purposes of communication.



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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾