From the town of Nay located between Pau and Lourdes, discover the Saligat, the name given to the riverbanks of the Gave de Pau where willows grow. This environment results from the movement of the stream and its water level. On a pebbled and sandy ground, we can find a variety of willows and alders, as well as tall plants such as summer lilac, Japanese knotweeds and Himalayan balsam. Herons, egrets, ducks and kingfishers are honoured visitors as are coypu and otters, along with frogs, toads, newts and salamanders. During migration, many birds stop over those rich areas, still unspoilt and wild. We have chosen to describe this route clockwise. But it can be done in both directions, by following the signposts.
VTC2 La boucle du gave
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