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Le chemin de la Baume

Le chemin de la Baume
Le chemin de la Baume
Le chemin de la Baume
Le chemin de la Baume


This short family hiking trail winds its way through the undergrowth of the ridge to circle the Baume, on the west side of the perched village of Lurs, former residence of the prince-bishops of Sisteron.

Technical Information

4 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Départ parking face au cimetière à l'entrée du village , 04700 Lurs
Lat : 43.968386Lng : 5.889965

Points of interest

image du object

Village de Lurs

Perched on a balcony above the Durance valley, the village rises from a cascade of olive trees, one of the 5 most beautiful olive groves in Provence. Lurs stretches like a spur between the castle to the north and the seminary to the south.Perched in the balcony above the Durance valley, the village springs from a cascade of olive trees, one of the 5 most beautiful groves of Provence. Lurs spur stretches between the castle to the north and south of the seminar. Historians agree to assign to the founding of Charlemagne Lurs. In the early ninth century, the emperor placed the site under tual bishops of Sisteron, who built their summer residences. This rectangular building, the result of several massive construction campaign. On his left, sections of walls built of limestone and the base of a tower dating from the Middle Ages. From there, the walk of bishops lined driveway of 15 shrines, which leads to the Notre Dame de Vie. Other religious buildings subsitent Seminar today with the Priory and St Charles Boromée. The church, attested from the ninth century, has been repeatedly brought back into the day and extended to adapt to changing demographics. His monumental gate comes with a door and ornate bell tower welcomes 3 bells. The clock tower, topped with a wrought iron tower, which straddles the lane control access to the old village. Door lintels and corbels monolithic, mullioned windows are all elements of ancient architecture to discover. In the 1960s, an outdoor theater was built on the ruins to accommodate the cultural organization "Rencontres de Lure. The association, born from the meeting of professional printers (typographers, printers, type designers, etc ...) met annually since 1952 to Lurs and organizes seminars on various aspects of these trades. The "way of writing", which comes to the day, can address in a way that is both fun and educational changes in spelling. Become common, this amphitheater is home to several summer events. The built heritage home, saved from ruin in recent decades, indicating a restoration of good taste that has earned the village to be listed as a Historic Monument. A small road joins the board Ganagobie, spanning a Roman bridge, a remnant of the Domitian Way, which linked to Briançon Arles along the Durance. To the south, the chapel of Our Lady of the Angels stands on the ruins of Alaunium, Roman station along the same path, and adjoins the remains of an aqueduct. These structures remain visible witnesses of the impact of Romanization which has strongly influenced the highlands of Provence. For more information: Item Information Tel: 04 92 79 10 20 Fax: 04 92 75 26 76

Mairie 04700 Lurs
- Office-de-tourisme-intercommunal-Pays-de-Forcalquier-Montagne-de-Lure -
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Chemin des écritures

Chemin composé de plusieurs installations permettant de découvrir l'histoire de l'écriture latine et de la typographie.A l'entrée du village, explorez l'univers de l'écriture et des origines de notre alphabet en parcourant une galaxie de 42 stèles. Quelques pas plus loin, une bibliothèque émergeant de terre abrite l'étonnante diversité des supports de l'écrit dans l'histoire. De là, vous découvrirez la table de Vox, une table d'orientation qui vous permet de vous repérer dans le paysage des caractères d'imprimerie. Puis promenez-vous dans le village en suivant "le fil d'Arthur" et découvrez sous vos pas des petits pavés incrustés qui vont vous amener vers l'univers poétique d'Arthur Raimbaud et de son poème "Voyelles". Et finalement, après avoir parcouru ce chemin vous vous retrouverez devant la Chancellerie, lieu fondateur des Rencontres de Lure. Visites guidées possible, se renseigner à l'office de tourisme de Forcalquier 04 92 75 10 02

- Office-de-tourisme-intercommunal-Pays-de-Forcalquier-Montagne-de-Lure -
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Annick et André-Michel Breger - Huile d'olive

Olive oil - Owner-harvesters. Direct sales of AOC Haute-Provence fruite noir matured olive oil at the Lurs estate and at the Gouvan mill in Forcalquier.

chemin de la coueste 04700 Lurs
- Office-de-tourisme-intercommunal-Pays-de-Forcalquier-Montagne-de-Lure -
image du object

Chapelle Notre-Dame des Anges

Une chapelle, édifiée au 12e siècle, devient lieu de pèlerinage après la grande peste du 14e siècle. La chapelle est agrandie en 1661 après l'apparition miraculeuse de la Vierge en 1660 et confiée aux Récollets.Les chapelles latérales sont construites à la fin du 17e et au 18e siècle. Sources :

RD116 04700 Lurs
- Office-de-tourisme-intercommunal-Pays-de-Forcalquier-Montagne-de-Lure -
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Moulin à huile de la cascade de Monessargues

Moulin huile hydraulique du 17e siècle. Visite guidée pour tout public, les groupes et les scolaires sur rendez-vous. Visite et dégustation.

Moulin de Monessargues Campagne Le Lauzon D116 04700 Lurs
- Office-de-tourisme-intercommunal-Pays-de-Forcalquier-Montagne-de-Lure -
image du object

Oli d'Aqui - huile d'olive

Local olive oil sold direct from the farm. Different tastes depending on the harvest and ripeness of the olives give a varied choice. It is advisable to call before coming out of season.

Campagne Les Cheynets 386 ROUTE DU SERRE 04700 Lurs
- Office-de-tourisme-intercommunal-Pays-de-Forcalquier-Montagne-de-Lure -

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Office de tourisme communautaire Forcalquier Haute Provence - 24/06/2024
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All year round.


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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾