This 35 km itinerary, which can be completed over two days, takes you from Saint-André-de-Cubzac to Blaye, with an overnight stop in Bourg-sur-Gironde
bourg-sur-Gironde for the night.
On the GR®655, you can contemplate the banks of the Dordogne, the Gironde Estuary and its numerous harbours and atypical carrelets, as well as the Moorish-style houses of Bourg, its château, church and washhouse, before rising above the vineyards to reach the splendid and famous citadel of Blaye.
This route is proposed by the Comité Régional de Randonnée Pédestre. Departing from a train station or TER bus stop, it allows you to join a walking or hiking itinerary, and take a stroll in ecomobility!
Fixed telephone : +33 5 57 43 64 80
OT du Grand Cubzaguais
Fixed telephone : +33 5 57 42 12 09
Office de Tourisme de Blaye
Web site (URL) :
FFRandonnée Gironde
Web site (URL) :
Les horaires des TER
White and red (GR®)
Walking trail
Hiking Route (GR®)
Over 4 hours