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Around the Lac du Verney by e-bike from Bourg -d'Oisans

Around the Lac du Verney by e-bike from Bourg -d'Oisans


If you'd like to explore the Bourg d'Oisans plain and the Allemond valley with a little height gain, on quiet roads with places for stopping and with fabulous view points, the route around the Lac du Verney is for you.

Leave Bourg d'Oisans on the D1091 towards Grenoble and turn right towards Allemond in Rochetaillée on the D526. Ride through the village and up to the Lac du Verney. Cross over the dam and ride the length of the lake (you'll see the Hydrelec Museum on this side) to a point just above the Pont Ratier bridge. This marks the beginning of a steep climb. After 650 m, turn left onto the Route du Villaret, which takes you more gently into the upper part of Allemond. Ride past the church and down towards the D526, where you turn right towards Bourg d'Oisans.
There are two ways of getting back to Bourg d'Oisans. If you prefer to stay on the road, go back the way you came, but if you prefer a track, follow the mountain bike "XC 1" signs in Rochetaillée, which will take you back to Bourg d'Oisans on a track to the right of the road.

Recharging: in restaurants in Allemond.
Refreshments and restaurants during the ride: bars and restaurants in Allemond and a snack bar at the Lac du Verney.

Technical Information

Electric bicycle
Not specified
32 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

38520Le Bourg-d'Oisans
Lat : 45.055104Lng : 6.031975

Points of interest

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La voie de Rochetaillée

Rochetaillée lierally means "cut rock" in French and looking up at the road carved out of the cliff face, it is clear how the village got its name. However, the exact origin of this road appears lost in the folds of history.Is this road, as many people believe, the remains of a Roman road, the indelible mark of an unstoppable sovereign population? Or, as Doctor Roussillon suggests in his Traveller's guide to Oisans, is it "the still visible trace of a path created during the existence of the lake, along the bottom of the neighbouring mountain and behind the small hamlet of Rochetaillée, from which it draws its name. Such were the circumstances in which this path was built." An observor at the end of the 19th century reported certain similarities beween the Porte des Bons and the Rochetaillée road, suggesting a close correlation between the two. Marks and tracks on the ground were reported to be similar and of exact equal width. Unfortunately, no trace of these marks has been found since and the campaign to clear and clean the site carried out by in 2004 by "Customs and Traditions of Oisans" also failed to uncover any evidence. To better understand this, it needs to be remembered that in the last century, the plain through which the road passes was like a desert without any vegetation. Both the cliff and the plain were completely bare, meaning that it was no doubt easy at the time for witnesses to observe and note the smallest details. These days, the road is virtually covered by vegetation and in some places, you can almost walk past without noticing it. But why carve the road out of the rock? If we go along with Docteur Roussillon's theory, the creation of Saint-Laurent lake would be the only tangible reason for this project, which must have involved considerable manpower and resources. The other theory, if we consider this to be a Roman road, suggests that any rapid progress towards the high mountain passes was hindered by the neighbouring plain. Perhaps it was a swamp or a lake that was liable to flooding due to the unpredictable behaviour of the Romanche river? The size of the project to build the road would also prove the importance of the "Oisans way" in the eyes of the Romans. Along the entire length of the platform, rectangular markings are carved out of the stone at regular intervals. These suggest that a structure consisting of beams and a wooden floor covered the road, widening it from 2 metres to 3 or 4 metres and making for easier progression. At suitable points, wider platforms were installed, known as "garages" that served as passing places for animals and carts. To this day, the track linking Rochetaillée to Bourg d'Oisans, via the hamlets of La Paute and Les Sables, is known as the "Chemin Romain". Source: Freneyd' Albertino

- Oisans Tourisme -
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EDF Hydrélec museum

The Musée EDF Hydrélec is the only museum in France dedicated to hydroelectricity. Installed in Oisans, the Musée EDF Hydrélec features a new 900m2 scenographic display that retraces the epic story of the production of hydroelectricity.It pays homage to the scientists, engineers, technicians and manoeuvres that played a role in building the hydroelectric power stations and dams, some of which have become an integral part of our heritage and genuine works of art. Installed in Oisans, in the heart of an area with a long history of hydroelectricity, the Musée EDF Hydrélec has now been awarded the «Musée de France» label. It features a number of unique collections comprising scientific and technical objects from the 19th and 20th centuries. Member of the "Route of the know-how of the Oisans", he organizes the guided tour "Exceptional electricity" on reservation .. This establishment offers the E-Bike Service: charge your electric bike here on request (remember to take your charger).

Route du Lac Le Verney 38114 Vaujany
- Office de Tourisme Vaujany -

Date and time

  • From 01/05/2024 to 31/10/2024
  • From 01/05/2025 to 31/10/2025

Additional information

Updated by

Oisans Tourisme - 02/04/2024
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Open period

From 01/05 to 31/10.

Subject to favorable snow and weather conditions.


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Image Oisans Tourisme
proposed by Oisans Tourisme
1 bis rue Humbert 38520 Le Bourg d'Oisans France

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾