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Under the Bresse charm (northern loop)

Under the Bresse charm (northern loop)


From Montrevel-en-Bresse, go to Cuet (Saint-Pierre Chanel Church and Oceanian Museum) and to the Bresse manor of La Charme.

Rediscover here and there the "charrières" (paths) of the Bresse region in the past.
To see: the Saint-Pierre Chanel church and the Oceanic Museum of Cuet, the manor of the Charme (end of the 15th century) on the northern loop, the pond of the Marais on the great loop.

Pedestrian circuit n°1 (northern loop)
ATTENTION : Crossing of the RD 28 in two places.
Northern loop : 7 km - 2h
South loop 16 km - 5 h

Technical Information

7 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

départ rond point route de Macon , 01340 Montrevel-en-Bresse
Lat : 46.335997Lng : 5.126656

Points of interest

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Manoir de la Charme

Inscrit à l'Inventaire supplémentaire des Monuments historiques depuis 1987, ce manoir est un bel édifice à deux étages daté de 1497, selon une analyse dendrochronologique.Les maisons dites ""hautes et basses"", appelées manoirs ou habitat noble, se dégagent du modèle de la ferme traditionnelle. Elles s'inspirent de la maison urbaine. Elle intègre un véritable étage habité, souvent en encorbellement, percé de de vastes ouvertures à meneaux et à traverses. Pièces d'habitation chauffées en élévation qui se différencie de l'habitat paysan. On privilégie l'implantation d'un manoir sur un terrain haut pour qu'il se dégage de ses annexes. On fait même disparaître l'escalier de la façade pour qu'il devienne intérieur et central. L'agencement des pans marque également la différence social (effets décoratifs). En l'absence de documents d'archives, on les disait dater peut-être du XVIe siècle, mais très certainement d'avant l'annexion de la Bresse à la couronne de France en 1601, qui fut l'occasion de la disparition d'une multitude de petits seigneurs. Une réponse a été apportée avec le manoir de La Charme construit à la fin du XVe siècle.

La Charme 01340 Montrevel-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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Great Lakes and Reyssouze site

The site of the Plaine Tonique is composed of 5 connected water bodies, each with surfaces varying between 5 and 120 hectares, with an average depth of 2 to 3.50 m. The whole benefits from a very varied piscicultural wealth as well as the river Reyssouze.Come and discover an extraordinary fishing domain of 140 hectares made up of 5 connected lakes, the largest of which, the "Grand Lac", is 90 hectares in size, and a river, the Reyssouze. The whole area is rich in fish: roach, carp, tench, black bass, perch, pike-perch, pike, catfish, bleak, bream and catfish. You have the possibility to fish by boat with a card on three of the five lakes (thermal engine forbidden). Night fishing is authorized on the Lac des Orcières with a specific card. All 5 lakes and the river are subject to the regulations in force and are managed by the local AAPPMA "La Semeuse". Site labeled Ain-Pêche On the spot you can stay in camping, in leisure chalets, mobile-homes and lodgings for groups or individuals. In season, you will find many leisure activities and services.

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Oleiro Stable

Owner's stable - Competition - Equestrian center - Horse trade - BreedingOwner's stable - Competition - Equestrian center - Horse trade - Breeding Several pension formulas adaptable according to your horses (box, box/paddock, meadow, work, retirement, deposit sale, breaking-in, valorization...) Accessible to people who are not owners, with horses/ponies available for lessons and the possibility of competitions. Lessons provided by a qualified instructor. Outings to club/pony/amateur competitions and young horses. Quarry of 40*60 sand fontainebleau Numerous meadows/paddocks Saddlery, grooming area with shower 13 owner's boxes Stable in a family setting, good atmosphere assured.

508 Chemin de la Potière 01340 Montrevel-en-Bresse
- Bourg-en-Bresse destinations - Office de tourisme -
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Farm of Sougey

Le Sougey is a very old Bresse agricultural estate, whose 35 hectares of hedged farmland now offer a listed farm (1460), a Bresse poultry farm and organic vegetable production.The lands of Sougey were the property of great local nobles, such as the lords of Châtillon-les-Dombes, the lords of Loriol (or Asnières) and the Chossats. Today the domain is smaller, but it is known for its old farm, which would be the oldest in Bresse (1460). Classified as a historic monument in 1946, it has been the property of the Department since 2002 and is now a museum of the region. The farm is composed of four buildings: a furnished main building or "house", a farm building with a barn and small stables, an oven with pigsties and a large stable occupying almost the entire building. The house has a Saracen chimney which has remained intact and whose mitre, in visible brick, is the only one on a square base with that of Mollardoury. The so-called "baroque" chimney is topped by a bell tower framed by four small pinnacles. In the buildings are proposed exhibitions of old tools and costumes and the reconstitution of a classroom. The bocage surrounding the farm has 6 km of hedges and large alleys lined with hundred-year-old oaks, classified as a sensitive natural area (ENS). There are also two ponds, a conservatory orchard of apple and pear trees, an interpretation trail on Bresse poultry, the bocage and Bresse architecture. A couple of donkeys, Romeo and Juliette, the farm's mascots, await the young and old visitors. The domain keeps the memory of its last occupant, Maria FAVIER, an emblematic character of Bresse, whose stories enchanted some personalities of her time, such as Jacky Kennedy, Brigitte Bardot or VGE. An interpretation trail runs around the farm for 550m with interactive stations in English and French. It is accessible to people with reduced mobility and allows you to discover the routes of the Bresse PDO poultry farm and the farm animals: donkeys, sheep and goats. For the youngest: Discovery games are proposed: Orientation games for children on 3 themes: -- the animals of the bocage - the trees of Sougey : - the Bresse architecture Traditional games can also interest the children; bowling, boules...

Route du Sougey Ferme du Sougey 01340 Montrevel-en-Bresse
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Sanctuaire Saint-Pierre Chanel

Lieu de pèlerinage notable avec son église et son musée océanien, retraçant la jeunesse et le ministère de Pierre Chanel, enfant de Cuet, mort en martyre à Futuna. A découvrir aussi des objets et les témoignages caractéristiques de la culture océanienne.L'église : présence d'un édifice dès le Moyen Age, consacré à Saint-Oyen. La rotonde de la chapelle dédiée au Père Chanel date de 1954 (centenaire de la naissance du saint). Ses ossements y sont déposés dans une châsse reliquaire. Deux grands tableaux illustrent les guérisons miraculeuses par l’intercession de Pierre Chanel : - Rosalie Monnier de Cuet, guérie en 1904 d’une tuberculose pulmonaire et d’une gastrite ulcéreuse - François Vion-Dury de Lalleyriat, guéri en 1890 d’une cécité accidentelle. Le musée : une vidéo de 15mn présente les traditions des futuniens et leur vie sur l’île aujourd’hui : - Description de la confection des tapas et la présentation à différentes étapes de leur réalisation - Description du cérémonial du kava

Presbytère de Cuet 1100 Route de Cuet 01340 Montrevel-en-Bresse
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Bourg-en-Bresse Destinations - Office de tourisme - 24/06/2024
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