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Boucle cyclable F10 : balade du curiste de Montrond-les-Bains à vélo

Boucle cyclable F10 : balade du curiste de Montrond-les-Bains à vélo

Technical Information

Electric bicycle
Very easy
21 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Gare de Montrond-les-Bains 55 rue de l'Anzieux , 42210Montrond-les-Bains
Lat : 45.642782Lng : 4.228286

Points of interest

image du object

Aire de pique-nique - Parc thermal

The park is open all year round and has a play area, city park, mini-golf, benches and picnic tables. Lawn: out of bounds.

Parc thermal 42210 Montrond-les-Bains
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
image du object

Espace de pique-nique - Pré du chêne

Enjoy your picnic in the Château’s large meadow in the shade provided by the 100 year old oak tree.

Château - Pré du chêne 42210 Montrond-les-Bains
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
image du object

Bar lounge, dancefloor, Discothèque - Casino JOA de Montrond

All weekends, the resident DJ ignites the JOA dance floor... The lounge bar with contemporary furnishings, fully fitted out with a sound system, has a stage to accommodate dinner shows or concerts.

82 rue Francis Laur 42210 Montrond-les-Bains
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Office de tourisme Forez-Est - Bureau d'information touristique de Montrond-les-Bains

Ville d’eau par sa ressource hydrominérale et sa situation sur le fleuve Loire, Montrond-les-Bains est une ville de bien-être et de détente grâce à ses établissements de soins et de remise en forme (Etablissement Thermal, Iléades...), et de loisirs.Le bureau d'information touristique a le label "Accueil Vélo depuis 2019", c'est une marque nationale (appartenant à France Vélo Tourisme - qui garantit un accueil et des services de qualité auprès des cyclistes le long des itinéraires cyclables. Soyez bien reçus chez les prestataires de services partenaires de France Vélo Tourisme ! Accueil Vélo, c'est la garantie pour le cycliste de trouver un établissement : Situé à moins de 5 km d'un itinéraire vélo Disposant d'équipements adaptés aux cyclistes : parc de stationnement vélo, kit de réparation... Avec un accueil chaleureux (conseils sur l'itinéraire vélo et le réseau cyclable, sur le tourisme : sites de visites, hébergements, loueurs réparateurs de vélos, office de tourisme etc...) Qui fournit des services dédiés aux voyageurs à vélo ayant consommé dans l'établissement : accès à l'eau potable gratuitement et à une prise électrique pour recharger des VAE ou smartphones.

125 avenue des Sources 42210 Montrond-les-Bains
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Les Thermes de Montrond - Cure thermale

In the large park of Montrond, a stone's throw from the city center, the Castle and the Casino, the Thermes de Montrond offer medical thermal cures approved by Health Insurance, to treat rheumatic ailments ...The quality of the thermal waters makes them suitable for the treatment of digestive tract disorders (particularly functional colopathies and their consequences) and nutrition-related diseases and disorders (obesity, excess weight, type II diabetes). Rheumatology accredited since 2nd August 2011.

Etablissement Thermal 360 rue du Geyser 42210 Montrond-les-Bains
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
image du object

Pub lounge Lady blue

92 avenue du Pont 42210 Montrond-les-Bains
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Spa thermal Les Iléades

Les Iléades, a real Thermal Spa, offers a concept unique in the Loire in a multi-faceted well-being space : Dive into the crystalline water in our 600 m² of indoor and outdoor pools, heated to 32°C all year round... Savour our "cocooning" institute with its chocolate and coconut-based treatments... Travel from the hot countries to the fjords of Finland with our Carpe Diem area (hammam, sauna, cold water well, fun showers)... Revitalise your body at our aquagym sessions and get into top physical condition in our fi tness room... Pools and Carpe Diem Area (Sauna, Hammam...) - 32°C, jacuzzis, countercurrent river, indoor and outdoor pools, fountains... Institute - 16 treatment booths, services including 1 access to the Pools and the Carpe Diem area, individual and duo booths. Aquagym, baby swimmers, swimming lessons.

Les Iléades 362 rue du Geyser 42210 Montrond-les-Bains
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Aire de pique-nique - Salle de l'ERA

Picnic tables available

Salle de l'ERA - Jean Noailly Route de Rivas 42330 Cuzieu
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Aire de pique-nique Espace naturel sensible "Les 2 becs"

Picnic tables available

Espace naturel sensible - Les 2 becs Meylieu 42330 Cuzieu
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Eglise Saint-Martin

There was a parish church in the name of Saint Martin in Cuzieu with a chapel devoted to Saint John the Baptist in the cemetery from the 13th century. The current church was built on the former chapel’s foundations and is called Saint Martin.Information about the church: The groins of the vault are on decorated capitals whose characters bear shields in Saint Martin chapel and the choir. The choir’s stained glass dating back to 1890 was made by Saint-Galmier’s master glassmaker, A. Mauvernay. The colourful wooden statues are of Saint Roch (protection against the plague) and Saint Isidore (patron saint of labourers). There are 17th century frescoes in the choir (vase with flowers), in the wedding chapel (virgin in orange dress) and Saint Martin chapel (coat of arms).

Place de l'Eglise 42330 Cuzieu
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Restaurant Le Forez

30 route de Montrond 42330 Cuzieu
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Le Reyna

193 Route de Montrond RN 82 42330 Cuzieu
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Gîte Sous le Cerisier

Spend a weekend, week, month or more in a warm and friendly setting 5km from Montrond-les-Bains health resort. You won’t want to go home after such a wonderfully relaxing country holiday.

394 La Grande Bourgée - N°6 42330 Cuzieu
- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -
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Village de Cuzieu

Cuzieu is a village lying on the Coise, the river, which gave its name to the village (from the Celtic word : couse). In the 12th century, a seigniorial castle was built in Cuzieu and the building which replaced it still dominates the village.From the park which surrounds it, or from the shady square, it is possible to access the 15th century church. The village has about ten crosses, the oldest of which dates from the 16th and 17th centuries.

- Office de tourisme Forez-Est -

Additional information


Village centre
Overview on river

Updated by

Office de Tourisme Forez Est - 29/08/2024
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Open period

All year round.

Subject to favorable snow and weather conditions.


Phone : 04 77 94 64 74

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Type of land

Hard coating (tar, cement, flooring)

Data author

125 avenue des Sources 42210 Montrond-Les-Bains France

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾