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Tour des Aiguilles d'Arves - Chalet d'la Croë / Chalet du Perron

Tour des Aiguilles d'Arves - Chalet d'la Croë / Chalet du Perron
Tour des Aiguilles d'Arves - Chalet d'la Croë / Chalet du Perron
Tour des Aiguilles d'Arves - Chalet d'la Croë / Chalet du Perron
Tour des Aiguilles d'Arves - Chalet d'la Croë / Chalet du Perron
Tour des Aiguilles d'Arves - Chalet d'la Croë / Chalet du Perron


Located on the Tour des Aiguilles d'Arves, this itinerary through the alpine pastures of the Plateau de Montrond takes you from the warm Chalet d'la Croë to the welcoming Chalet du Perron, passing under the Tête de Chat and through the emblematic Basse du Gerbier.

Technical Information

8.3 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Chalet d'la Croë Le Chalmieu , 73300 Albiez-Montrond
Lat : 45.165038Lng : 6.340152

Points of interest

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Chalet du Perron

Unusual bed and breakfast close to the "Aiguilles d'Arves". Snack possible.In Saint Jean d'Arves, at 2150m of altitude, it is an old family chalet used by the grand parents' owner, in summer, to leave the cows in the pastures and make hay. The chalet has been undergoing renovation since the summer of 2016 and is accessible walking from Entraigues (Saint Jean d'Arves) in about 3 hours (900 meters of elevation over 7km) or from Le Chalmieu (Albiez-Montrond) walking by the Basse du Gerbier. The chalet is equipped with spring water and has electricity by solar panels. Dry toilets and water point nearby. Inside, on the ground floor, a kitchen, a large living room, a bathroom (under construction) and the owner's bedroom. Upstairs there is the dormitory with 10 places. These are "baflants" (one big bed for evrey guest) with mattresses next to each other, fitted with bed sheets, duvet cushions and blankets Obligation to have sleeping bags. (blanket prohibited due to bed fleas). Outside, a terrace to enjoy the sunset over the Belledonne massif on one side and Les Aiguilles d'Arves on the other.

- Office de Tourisme Saint Jean d'Arves - Les Sybelles -
image du object

Overnight in tent or dome at Chalet d'la Croë

Chalet d'la Croë offers you a unique experience: sleeping under the stars at the foot of the Aiguilles d'Arves. There are three ways to do this: - rent a single pitch - rent a pitch with tent, mattress and comforter - reserve a geodesic domeMountain guide Virginie welcomes you to her summer garden at Chalet d'la Croë*, offering Savoyard recipes based on local produce (evening bookings only) and the chance to sleep under the stars. There are three ways to do this: - rent a single pitch and bring your own camping gear - rent a pitch with a tent, mattress and comforter - reserve a geodesic dome with a real bed for an unusual night's sleep Beware: at 2000 m altitude, nights are chilly. On-site chickens, goats, dogs and sometimes cows! Accommodation is located outside the chalet. There are : - Three geodesic domes: 2 five-place domes (two double beds and one single bed) 1 three-place dome (one large double bed) They are unheated and not shared with others for your privacy. The front of the domes has a beautiful view of the Belledonne mountain range. - An area for bivouacs and overnight stays in tents Overnight stays include dinner and breakfast on a half-board basis. The evening meal is a unique "home-made" menu or a Savoyard Fondue menu on reservation (supplement of 4€/pers for adults). There's an outdoor toilet block, as well as dry toilets and a drinking water point. Crocs are available. To save water, showers are only available for two-day stays. For all overnight stays, and for reasons of hygiene, each guest must bring a sheet or meat bag and a pillowcase (square). Blankets are available in the domes. Domes are available from 4pm and must be vacated by 10am. * small in Savoyard dialect

Chalet d'la Croë Le Chalmieu Montrond 73300 Albiez-Montrond
- Montagnicimes Office de Tourisme -

Date and time

  • From 20/06/2024 to 22/09/2024
  • From 20/06/2025 to 22/09/2025

Additional information

Reception conditions for animals

Dogs must be kept on a leash due to the presence of herds.

Updated by

Montagnicimes Office de tourisme Intercommunal - 24/06/2024
Report a problem


We advise you to book accommodation well in advance, given its small capacity.

Recommended equipment :
- Mountain boots suitable for walking on varied terrain (rigid soles)
- Rain gear
- Warm clothing
- Pair of telescopic poles
- Cash (CB terminals not always available in refuges)

Guidebook with maps/step-by-step

1/ Take the path leading south from Chalet d'la Croë to join the track at Bassin.
2/ At La Motte, take the left-hand track, leaving a chalet on your right, cross the stream and follow the ridge to Plan Pradin.
3/ At Plan Pradin, turn slightly right towards Tête de Chat.
4/ At the signpost below Tête de Chat, turn right and follow the ridge to Basse du Gerbier.
5/ Turn left and follow the ridge after 2 zigzags to the La Crête point, continuing downhill to the Col.
6/ From the Col, descend through the mountain pastures to the Chalet du Perron.

Open period

From 20/06 to 22/09.

Subject to favorable weather.


Phone : 04 79 59 30 48

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Data author

Place de la Cathédrale 73300 SAINT JEAN DE MAURIENNE

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾