In the heart of the state forest of Seillon, a small loop in the forest alleys.
While walking in the Bresse countryside, you will come across the famous red-crested chickens, immaculate plumage and blue legs, as well as the curious "Saracen chimneys" that top the roofs of traditional farms made of cob, adobe and wood.
Marking : yellow
Reference guidebook : Randonnées pédestres en Bresse et Val de Saône (Collection CDRP)
Topo-guide " Sentiers Forestier : les Alpes du Forez au Diois ".
IGN maps at 25 000e n° 3129.E Bourg Est, 3129.O Bourg Ouest
Bourg-en-Bresse Destinations - Office de tourisme - 20/09/2024
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