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Wood of Groez Circuit_Variant

Solre le chateau circuit du bois de groez
Credit : Nord Tourisme

The Cirkwi brief

Discover the Enchanting Trails of Solre-le-Château

Created by Nord Tourisme, this captivating walk takes you through the rolling hills and hidden woodlands of the Avesnois region. Meander through charming villages adorned with quaint stone and brick houses, and come across traditional kiosks and small chapels that dot the landscape. The essence of this journey lies not just in the destination but in the tapestry of natural and architectural beauty you'll encounter. It's an invitation to step into a world where every turn is a revelation, perfectly suited for those seeking an immersive outdoor adventure amidst France's picturesque countryside.

Brief Technical Roundup

The route spans approximately 6.76 kilometers, with an elevation range between 168 meters (minimum) and 202 meters (maximum). The total positive elevation change is around 79 meters, indicating mild to moderate climbs suitable for most fitness levels. Proper footwear is advised given the terrain. Yellow markers guide the path, ensuring a straightforward navigation through the area. Note the potential for seasonal hunting activities, which may necessitate taking marked variants for safety. The crossings at RD 27 and 962 deserve extra caution due to traffic.

Seasonal Guide and Safety Tips

To ensure a delightful and safe journey through Solre-le-Château's landscapes, dress according to the season while opting for sturdy hiking shoes. Spring and autumn showcase the natural beauty at its peak, though be prepared for possible mud. Summer offers lush views, yet carry water for hydration. Winter requires caution for slippery paths. Always observe road-crossing safety at RD 27 and 962. Checking the local hunting calendar is essential to avoid the hunting seasons or adjust the path accordingly, ensuring an uninterrupted and serene experience.

Exploring the Heart of Avesnois

Solre-le-Château, nestled within the picturesque Avesnois region of Nord, France, holds a treasure trove of history and culture. This area, known for its distinctive landscapes shaped by centuries of human interaction with nature, boasts a rich tapestry of agricultural and architectural heritage. The stone and brick houses, many adorned with the unique blue stone of the region, echo the skilled craftsmanship of past generations. The village kiosks and chapels add layers of communal and spiritual significance, highlighting the area's deep-rooted cultural identity within the Hauts-de-France.

Weather Insights for Explorers

The Avesnois region, experiences a temperate climate with distinct seasons, making it a year-round destination. However, the optimal visiting period is late spring through early autumn when the weather is mild, and the natural scenery is especially vibrant. Winters are generally cold and might present challenges for less experienced hikers due to slippery paths. Always check the local weather forecast before setting out to make the most of your adventure in Solre-le-Château, ensuring a memorable experience amidst the serene beauty of Nord, France.
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Technical Information

Very easy
6.8 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Office de Tourisme / Hôtel de Ville , 59740SOLRE-LE-CHATEAU
Lat : 50.1743247929Lng : 4.0905136619


image du object

Point 1

Empruntez la pittoresque « Ruelle aux Souris » (entre la pharmacie et l’Office Notarial), pendant 250 m. Puis tournez à gauche : suivez le sentier « des Bruilles ». 100 m plus loin, prenez à droite et continuezsur le sentier longeant la rivière La Solre. Notez le ruisseau du Riamé, qui se jette dans la Solre. Au bout du sentier des Bruilles, suivez à gauche la RD 963 vers Jeumont pendant 50 m, puis continuez à gauche, à l’angle du cimetière, sur le chemin de Groez en laissant les terrains de sport et le camping sur votre gauche.

- Département du Nord -
image du object

Point 2

Suivez à gauche le balisage : « variante de Lez-Fontaine » et empruntez ainsi le chemin de la Baraque, offrant un panorama sur la vallée de la Solre, en contrebas. Tranversez la Solre puis coupez la RD 27 et rejoignez la Voie Verte de l’Avesnois.

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Étape 3

Empruntez à droite un chemin montant à l’église de Lez-Fontaine - XVIe s. Traversez le village par la rue du Général de Gaulle. Avant d’aborder la place du village et son kiosque romantique, remarquez sur la droite une grosse pierre, très curieuse, creusée d’un sillon longitudinal. Dans ce sillon coulissait la corde qui servait à remonter les pierres bleues, caractéristiques du Solrézis, extraites de la carrière en contrebas. Cette carrière est aujourd’hui aménagée en théâtre de verdure.

- Département du Nord -
image du object

Point 4

A la sortie du village, après le kiosque, faire un gauche droite et empruntez le chemin Vert qui rejoint la RD 27. La suivre en face sur 150 m.

- Département du Nord -
image du object

Point 5

Récupérez de nouveau à droite l’ancienne voie ferrée dite « Voie Verte de l’Avesnois ». Longez à gauche la RD 963 – trottoir - jusqu’à la chapelle Notre Dame de Walcourt. Par une ruelle, à droite, derrière la chapelle, retrouvez la place. Bien suivre le balisage.

- Département du Nord -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾