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Duck farm circuit - variant

Condé sur l'Escaut Circuit de la canarderie
Credit : Nord Tourisme

The Cirkwi brief

Discover the Hidden Trails of Conde-sur-l'Escaut

Nestled in the heart of a regenerated mining area, the Circuit de la canarderie_variante offers an immersive journey through a landscape rich in history and natural beauty. Crafted by Nord Tourisme, this path winds through former mine sites now blossoming with life, offering a majestic blend of water bodies, reed beds, and scenic views. Beyond the allure of exploration, the route is a haven for bird watchers, promising encounters with diverse avian populations. This adventure, set in the idyllic surroundings of Conde-sur-l'Escaut, invites travelers into a story of transformation and the unyielding spirit of nature.

Brief Technical Overview

Spanning approximately 6.86 kilometers, the Circuit de la canarderie_variante has been thoughtfully designed to suit walkers of all levels. Starting from an altitude of 14 meters and peaking at 22 meters, it features a mild positive elevation of 15 meters, ensuring a relatively easy trek. The path is marked with yellow signs, guiding explorers through schist paths, earthen trails, and minor roads. This assortment of terrains showcases the area's rich industrial past alongside its natural splendor, making it an engaging route for those interested in both history and nature.

Seasonal Tips and Safety

As your local guide, I recommend visiting during spring or autumn to enjoy the lush surroundings and the vibrant birdlife at its peak. These seasons offer comfortable temperatures for walking and the opportunity to witness nature’s dynamic changes. Always carry binoculars and a bird guidebook to enhance your experience. Ensure you're prepared with good walking shoes and water, especially during summer. Use caution in wet conditions as paths may become slippery. Respecting the site’s natural and historical significance by staying on the marked trails is paramount for preserving its beauty for future visitors.

A Deep Dive into Local History

Conde-sur-l'Escaut, a town steeped in history, sits at the crossroads of the Nord department in France. Its past intertwines with the coal mining industry, a driving force in the region's development. The transformation of former mining sites into recreational areas, such as the Chabaud-Latour Base and the Ledoux site, illustrates a commitment to preserving the area's industrial heritage while promoting its natural beauty. This balance of conservation and renewal within the mining basin offers a unique lens through which to explore the local culture and history.

Weather Insights and Best Visit Times

The region of Conde-sur-l'Escaut experiences a temperate oceanic climate, characterized by mild temperatures and moderate rainfall throughout the year. This climate supports a diverse range of flora and fauna, making any season a good time to explore. However, for the most comfortable walking conditions and to fully enjoy the natural scenery and wildlife, the best periods to visit are late spring and early autumn. These months offer mild weather and less rainfall, creating ideal conditions for outdoor activities and bird watching.
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Technical Information

Very easy
6.9 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

21 parking base de loisirs , 59163CONDE-SUR-L'ESCAUT
Lat : 50.4508319424Lng : 3.59824895849

Points of interest

image du object

Base de Loisirs Chabaud-Latour

Vaste plan d'eau de 68 hectares, prolongé par les marais de la Canarderie et l'ancien site minier Ledoux (reboisé et réaménagé à la promenade), il figure parmi les plans d'eau les plus fréquentés de la région. La base de Loisirs propose des activités sportives toute l'année telles que le canoë, le catamaran, optimiste, l'escalade, V.T.C, la pêche. Possibilité d'hébergement en gîte pouvant accueillir 25 personnes. Sur 248 ha en propriété du Département au sein d'un site naturel de plus de 400 ha, vous découvrirez grâce aux nombreux chemins, différents milieux naturels (boisements, roselières, plans d'eau) et un panorama exceptionnel du haut du terril témoin du passé minier du site et de sa très belle reconversion.

Rue Henri Martrice 59163 CONDE-SUR-L'ESCAUT
- Département du Nord -
image du object

La Roselière

Ce Café Rando, situé dans l’ancien café des mineurs de la Fosse Ledoux, a gardé sa convivialité «comme à la maison ». Les assiettes sont copieuses et la bonne humeur au rendez-vous : idéal pour se requinquer !

6 chemin des Moulineaux 59163 CONDE-SUR-L'ESCAUT
- Département du Nord -
image du object

Terril de Chabaud-Latour

Sur 248 ha en propriété du Département au sein d'un site naturel de plus de 400 ha, vous découvrirez grâce aux nombreux chemins, différents milieux naturels (boisements, roselières, plans d'eau) et un panorama exceptionnel du haut du terril témoin du passé minier du site et de sa très belle reconversion.

Terril de Chabaud-Latour 59163 CONDE-SUR-L'ESCAUT
- Département du Nord -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾