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Willow Circuit

"Circuit des Osiers" 3
Credit : Département du Nord

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Cysoing's Scenic Circuit des Osiers Trail

Nestling in the picturesque landscapes of Cysoing, the Circuit des Osiers offers a tranquil gateway right at the heart of nature, crafted splendidly by Nord Tourisme. Winding through serene country roads and earthy paths, this itinerary is a testament to the area's unspoiled charm. Envision traversing through varying altitudes with the yellow markers guiding your path, ensuring a seamless adventure. It's not just a trail; it's an experience enveloping you in the soothing embrace of Cysoing's countryside, perfect for those seeking a blend of relaxation and exploration away from the hustle and bustle. The journey promises an accessible year-round adventure, with verdant landscapes that shift eloquently with the seasons.

Technical Details Unveiled

The Circuit des Osiers, spanning a total of 13.53 kilometers, is characterized by a minimal elevation range from 28 to 51 meters, with a total positive altitude change recorded at 29 meters. This relatively flat terrain positions the trail as an ideal choice for beginners or those seeking a leisurely hike. Participants are advised to be cautious at the crossings of RD 90 and RD 94. The trail's accessibility throughout the year and its well-marked (yellow) paths contribute to a straightforward, enjoyable experience that doesn’t demand significant physical exertion, making it apt for a broad audience seeking the pleasure of outdoor activities.

Seasonal Tips and Safety

As your local guide, I recommend waterproof footwear, especially during the wetter months when the paths can be muddy. The allure of the Circuit des Osiers magnifies with each season, offering a distinctly charming experience all year round. In spring, the lush surroundings come to life, while autumn coats the trail in a kaleidoscope of colors. It's important to stay hydrated during summer days and to dress warmly in winter. Always heed the yellow trail markers and exercise caution when crossing roads. Let’s respect nature's tranquility and leave no trace behind, preserving the pristine condition of our cherished trail.

Historical Insights of Cysoing

Cysoing's rich tapestry is intertwined with the historical and cultural vibrancy that dates back to antiquity. Positioned in the Hauts-de-France region, it has been a confluence of art, history, and architecture, reflecting centuries of evolution. This trail not only offers a physical journey through scenic routes but also traverses through a historical landscape steeped in heritage. The region, once part of the Spanish Netherlands, has seen various influences, leaving behind a legacy that adds depth to every traveler's journey. Cysoing itself, with traces of its relentless spirit since Roman times, stands as a living testimony to resilience and beauty through the ages.

Weather Patterns and Best Visiting Times

The climate of Cysoing is predominantly oceanic, with mild temperatures round the year and moderate rainfall distributed evenly. This makes the Circuit des Osiers a desirable destination virtually any time of the year. However, for those looking to enjoy the trail at its most vibrant, the late spring to early summer period offers an ideal balance of pleasant weather and the natural splendor of the countryside in full bloom. Similarly, early autumn presents a picturesque scene, with the changing foliage painting the landscape in a brilliant array of colors. Always check the local weather forecast before embarking on your journey to ensure the best possible experience.
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Technical Information

Very easy
14 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

96-140 Rue Aristide Briand , 59830CYSOING
Lat : 50.5661681884Lng : 3.21589820051


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Point 1

Prenez la direction du terrain de football. Vous passez devant la « Pyramide de Fontenoy ». Longez le second terrain de football.

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Point 2

A la route, prenez à gauche le chemin des nomères et au bout virez à droite. Empruntez à droite la ruelle située avant le supermarché. A l’extrémité de celle-ci tournez à droite puis, 100m plus loin, au calvaire, prenez à gauche la route qui grimpe légèrement. Avant l’église bifurquez à droite sur le petit chemin pavé et au bout poursuivez en face. A la route dirigez vous à gauche et dans le virage obliquez dans le chemin à gauche. A son extrémité à droite puis au T de nouveau à droite. Après le centre équestre tournez à gauche et continuez tout droit.

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Point 3

Tournez à gauche sur la RD 90 et, quelques dizaines de mètres plus loin, empruntez à droite la route de Louvil.

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Point 4

Vous voici au hameau du Chêne. Prenez à gauche la rue en impasse. A la dernière habitation - villa des Osiers - continuez sur le chemin enherbé délimité par une barrière blanche. Longez ensuite le bois des Lagues et les zones humides périphériques pendant 1 km.

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Point 5

A la sortie du chemin, tournez à droite. Prenez à droite et longez la RD 94 sur 20 m, poursuivez à droite par le chemin de desserte des habitations. Longez une pâture, puis un chemin enherbé et retrouvez la RD 94. Tournez à droite.

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Point 6

Empruntez à gauche la route de Péronne (en impasse). Passez la grande ferme Damide, tournez à gauche et suivez la petite route à travers champs (rue de la Frête).

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Point 7

Ferme Castel, prenez le chemin de terre en face puis tournez à droite. Vous retrouvez plus loin la RD 94 que vous empruntez à droite. Après le cimetière traversez le lotissement - et empruntez la rue de la Renaissance, puis à gauche la rue Henri Millez. Continuez à droite sur le chemin de Louvil, qui passe le long des bâtiments de la ferme, jusqu’à la ferme. Tournez à droite rue Jules Herbaut.

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Point 8

Prenez à droite la RD 94A : suivez ainsi les rues Waldeck Rousseau, Jeanne d’Arc, puis de Fontenoy et retrouvez votre point de départ.

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾