Places of interest
Where to eat
Where to sleep
Dax, located in the Landes region of Aquitaine, is a natural and historical gem in southwestern France. Renowned for its famous thermal waters since Roman times, Dax is a prime destination for those seeking wellness and relaxation. Stroll through the charming streets of this typically Aquitaine town and discover its many historical sites, such as the Roman walls or the majestic Notre-Dame Sainte-M...See more

Walking around Dax

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Walks and discoveries in Dax.
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What to do in Dax

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Discover surprising activities in Dax and book the ones you like.
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What to visit in Dax

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Admire the unique architecture of Dax.
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Where to eat in Dax

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Restaurants in Dax offer a friendly atmosphere.
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Where to sleep in Dax

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Stay in unique accommodations in Dax.
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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾