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Cassis, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

Are you in charge of the destination?
Nestled between the stunning cliffs of the Calanques and the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean, Cassis is a hidden gem of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. This charming fishing village captivates with its picturesque harbor, lined with colorful houses where fishing boats sit alongside luxury yachts. Stroll through the cobblestone streets to discover artisanal shops, restaurants serving l...See more

Walking around Cassis

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Hike to En-Vau Calanque passing by Port-Pin Calanque
954 m

Hike to En-Vau Calanque passing by Port-Pin Calanque

Hike to the popular Calanque d'En-Vau. Departure from the Bestouan peninsula in Cassis. The itinerary is difficult, requiring the use of the Portalet passage, redesigned in 2022. The route is considerably shorter than that from Le Logisson. The starting point is the "Balli de Suffren" bus stop. When you get off the bus, turn around and go back a few meters to take Avenue des Calanques on your left. At the next intersection, turn left again to follow the avenue down to the bottom of the Port-Miou Calanque. "Port-Miou" is Provençal for "good harbor", and this deep inlet offers excellent shelter for boats on windy days and in rough seas (1). On your left, you'll see large signs for the Parc National des Calanques marking the start of the path. At the start, it's a wide track that runs for 1 kilometer through a former industrial site, the Solvay stone quarry. Cassis stone is a shell limestone of marine rather than lacustrine origin, highly resistant and therefore highly appreciated as a building material in Provence, before the advent of concrete. The site was in operation until 1982. Along the way, you'll see the Cassis "château" on your left (2). At the crossroads, follow the GR signs (red/white or green). You pass close to the trou du souffleur (3). The path descends through the pines towards the Calanque de Port-Pin (4). [Then two options: 1/ The option chosen for this itinerary is to follow the GR to continue the route to reach the Portalet passage, which leads down to the bottom of the Calanque d'En-Vau (5). 2/ Take a detour (not marked on this itinerary) to explore the En-Vau plateau, discover the former Piolet refuge and enjoy several vertiginous viewpoints overlooking the Calanque d'En-Vau. In this case, follow the blue markers which also lead down to the Portalet descent]. Leave the Calanque de Port-Pin, continuing to follow the GR markers. It climbs until you reach the passage du Portalet. Here, in order to limit the gradual degradation of the path and natural habitats, channel visitor flows and reinforce hiker safety, the National Park authorities have undertaken work to redesign the path. Crossing the Portalet passage is a tricky business. It is therefore important not to deviate from the itinerary and to follow the signs. Once you've reached the bottom of the valley, follow the red markers to reach the coastal part of the Calanque d'En-Vau. Hikers, please don't leave any garbage behind. Don't follow the bad examples that are still recurrent. There are no maintenance workers to collect abandoned garbage. Sooner or later, it will end up in the sea. For the return journey, it's the same route in the opposite direction: follow the red markings up to the Portalet rise. Then green and white/red markings guide you to Port-Miou. One last climb and you're back on the Avenue des Calanques and at the bus stop to return to your car. We would like to thank the ©Parc national des Calanques for permission to use its gpx trail.

4 h
7.6 km
2 Avenue Notre-Dame 13260 Cassis
A walk along the Little Prince trail
1.6 km

A walk along the Little Prince trail

On the Bestouan peninsula, the Little Prince trail pays tribute to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's book, the second best-selling and most translated book in the world after the Bible. This is a family-friendly tour. Good to know about access: During the tourist season (between Easter and All Saints' Day), we recommend parking your car at the Gorguettes parking lot at the entrance to Cassis, then taking the shuttle bus to the Calanques, stop: "Presqu'île". Information on timetables is available at: The tour is easy on the eyes, even if it does include a few steps cut into the rock. Welcome to the Presqu'île de Port-Miou (1), which runs alongside the calanque of the same name (2). The walk starts at the junction of Avenue Notre-Dame and Avenue de la Plage Bleue, where the Parc National des Calanques welcome sign is located. Just follow the enamelled plaques, which provide information on the history of the area and the Calanques (3), (4). Walk along, keeping the bottom of the Port-Miou calanque on your right. At some point, you'll reach a fork in the road (5). Keep to the right to complete a small loop which will bring you back to this point and take you around Bestouan (6). Continue on your right towards a chapel (7). Continue past the tennis courts to reach the esplanade with its panoramic view of Cap Canaille (8). Lean over the wall to catch a glimpse of the large rocky slabs of Plage Bleue (9). Take time to admire the beauty of the glistening Mediterranean Sea, and let the words of the Little Prince resonate within you: "You can only see well with your heart; what is essential is invisible to the eye". (10) Complete your loop by passing under the tall pines of the presqu'île parking lot. Continue straight ahead to reach the junction of Avenue de la Plage Bleue and Avenue Jean-Jacques Garcin. Turn left to return to the starting point.

1 h
1.8 km
Very easy
39 Avenue Notre-Dame Au croisement de l’avenue Notre-Dame et de l’avenue de la Plage Bleue 13260 Cassis
The Garlaban
10 km

The Garlaban

This hike leads to the summit of Garlaban, where you can discover the Douard engravings. The Garlaban, which rises to 714 metres, is easily distinguished when you're in the south-eastern part of the Bouches-du-Rhône département. Whether arriving from Toulon or from the sea, it dominates the landscape. Its shape is so distinctive that it served as a landmark for sailors navigating the Marseilles roadstead. Some even describe it as the crown that sits atop a hill so dear to Aubagne-born writer Marcel Pagnol. The Garlaban and its surroundings, whether in Marseille or Aubagne, were Marcel Pagnol's favorite playground as a child. He later made it a central element in his work. Let's recall the opening lines of his first novel, "La Gloire de mon père": "I was born in the town of Aubagne, under the goat-crowned Garlaban, at the time of the last goatherds. Garlaban is an enormous tower of blue rock, planted on the edge of the Plan de l'Aigle, the immense rocky plateau overlooking the green Huveaune valley. The tower is a little wider than it is tall: but as it rises out of the rock at an altitude of six hundred meters, it towers high into the Provencal sky, and sometimes a white July cloud comes to rest there for a moment. So it's not a mountain, but it's no longer a hill: it's Garlaban." The starting point for the hike is at the "Gastaude" bus stop, where there is also a parking lot. Join the Chemin du Ruissatel and follow the brown signposted path "Font de Mai, sentier Marcel Pagnol". Enter the Font de Mai park and pass in front of the large bastide. After the bastide, fork left to join the Font de Mai road, which you can follow along a path that runs between oak and pine trees. You'll pass an excellent gourmet restaurant, l'Auberge la Ferme. At the crossroads with Chemin du Ruissatel, continue straight ahead on Chemin de la Font de Mai, which winds its way up to Col d'Aubignane. From here, follow the yellow markings to the Garlaban. Shortly afterwards, there's a narrower path on your right. Follow it until you reach a sign suggesting a 100-metre detour to the Manon cave. Then return to the gently ascending corbelled path. Pass the Col Salis and continue on to the Pas Garrigue, a small steep slope, as we like them in Provence, to reach the Col du Garlaban. From here, it's just a short climb to the summit of Garlaban. The path zigzags through the garrigue. Yes, it's tough! But the panoramic view from the summit is your reward. It's sublime! An orientation table helps you decipher the landscape at your feet. You are the kings of Provence. Return to the Col and turn left onto the wide path leading down to the plain. On either side of the path, you'll discover engraved stones. The path overlooks the Draioulet valley, whose name comes from "petite draille", a reminder that it was once a transhumance route used by shepherds. A shortcut takes you straight downhill for 250 metres, avoiding 4 bends, before reaching an intersection where you must turn left to reach the park and the Font de Mai bastide more directly. After a 950-meter walk, you reach the edge of a hill. 4 circular cement shapes (remnants of an old high-voltage line support?) are the markers for turning left onto a path that zigzags downhill. Another landmark you'll pass: the ruins of a sheepfold. You then come to a wide DFCI track which you must take to the right, rounding a hill dominated by a rocky peak. Keep to the path along the rocky ridge. The Font de Mai estate can also be reached via an alternative route at the bottom of the valley, but the view is less unobstructed. Finish the hike by following the same section back to the parking lot or bus stop.

4 h
12 km
Parking de la Font de Mai route d'Eoures d44 13400 Aubagne
A hike throughout Voire fountain and dead man summit
11 km

A hike throughout Voire fountain and dead man summit

This challenging hike allows you to discover several sites such as the Voire Fountain, the Dechaux Cave, the summit of the Dead Man's Plateau, and the Selle Woods. The trails are steep, but the efforts are rewarded with a sublime 360° panoramic view and the discovery of lesser-known places by hikers. Access to the starting point of the hike is by a regular bus from the RTM (line 23). Get off at the "Sormiou shopping center" stop. After taking a few steps, turn right onto Boulevard Louis Pierotti. Continue straight until you reach a green barrier marking the beginning of a DFCI track. Go around it and continue straight following red markings that lead through the wooded valley of La Jarre. (1) Until you reach the Voire Fountain. (2) You begin your first ascent into a narrow gorge that opens up into a clearing shaped like a small circus. Take a left and follow the yellow markings that lead you onto a path that climbs even more steeply. It skirts around a rocky ledge where two large openings can be seen. This is the Dechaux Cave. (3) Continue your ascent. At mid-height, your efforts are rewarded with a clear view of the Frioul archipelago, the beaches of Prado, Borély Park, the Orange Velodrome, and Notre-Dame de la Garde. Upon reaching the highest point of this climb, you enjoy a good view of the Cayolle district, the sewage treatment plant, and in the distance, Mont Puget and beyond, Mont Carpiagne. Not to mention further away, the Soubeyranes cliffs in Cassis. The route continues and takes you to the next steep section. At the intersection, turn right to stay on the yellow trail. You reach a height that still offers a beautiful view of the Cayolle and Panouse districts, and more generally over the entire eastern part of Marseille. Continuing on, the view opens up even more and allows you to identify landmarks such as Mont Puget, Grande Candelle, Devenson Cliffs, and far away, Cap Sicié. You leave the height to weave between pine trees forming a refreshing undergrowth, where you come across a path marked by a green trace. Stay on the yellow trail which quickly climbs again and allows you to see the beginning of your hiking route, especially the steep path that skirts the Dechaux Cave. The ultimate reward is not far now. The yellow trail joins the blue trail to take you to the western summit of the Dead Man's Plateau. (4) It's time to take out your sandwich from your backpack and take a break. The view is breathtaking. This time you have reached the roof of the Calanques. Do a 360-degree turn to sweep your surroundings. No summit can escape you: Garlaban, Mont Carpiagne, Mont Puget, Pic de Bertagne overlooking the Sainte-Baume massif in the distance (topped by a white dome housing a radar and radio station), Grande Candelle, the islands forming the Riou archipelago, and the Marseilleveyre summit. Leave the plateau following the blue markings. The hike takes you down a rocky ledge. In places, the limestone rock is smooth and gravel can make you slip in this tricky passage. Use your hands to descend cautiously. A few meters before the Col de la Selle, in a wooded area, leave the blue trail to now follow the green markings which take you down to the right towards the Selle Woods. The next landmark will be a crossroads in the middle of the woods with several trails (black, red, green, and yellow). Continue your descent following the yellow and red markings. The red is the last color that brings you back to the starting point of this beautiful loop. So don't miss the last fork, where the yellow and red markings separate. A final small climb offers a beautiful overhanging view of the Frioul archipelago, the Pointe-Rouge port, the wooded areas of the Campagne Pastré, and notably the Pastré Castle. (5) A little further on, a wall may intrigue you. (6) A quick glance at the Aigle mountain (located between the wall and the city). Pass between two cairns and continue your descent towards the Voire Fountain. Nice view of the Dechaux Cave and the cavern of the Voire Fountain. You find the beginning of the trail you took earlier. Take it back in reverse to finish the hike.

3 h
7.3 km
122 chemin de Sormiou A l'arrêt de bus "Centre Commercial Sormiou" 13009 Marseille
Urban stroll: a veritable green corridor between the Saint-Giniez, Bonneveine and Mazargues districts
13 km

Urban stroll: a veritable green corridor between the Saint-Giniez, Bonneveine and Mazargues districts

This tour, which can be done on foot or by bike, takes in some of Marseille's neighborhoods, which are home to a number of sites well worth a visit. The route is particularly pleasant in hot weather, as it is shaded. The starting point is a bridge at the beginning of impasse René Magnac (1). You'll walk alongside the sports complex named after the former president of the ASPTT club, who did a great deal for its development. You enter the Avenue de Mazargues and continue along a greener stretch of road, until you reach the back of the building housing the Ballet National de Marseille (2) and the Parc Henri Fabre (3). Continue along the original Huveaune riverbed to reach the main entrance to Parc Borély (4). Admire the view of the château (5). Pass through the gates and continue left to reach the rose garden. Pass under the imposing, majestic plane tree to reach the island of the former "Pavillon du Lac" establishment. Leave the island and head for the entrance to the botanical garden (6). If you've taken the necessary steps to reserve your entrance (it's free, but must be reserved in advance), you'll be in for a complete change of scenery. After this detour, walk past the Bird Man fountain to reach the children's play area. A gate leads from Parc Borély to Avenue Clot-Bey. Cross the avenue and continue along the narrow traverse Paul, which zigzags between properties. Fence walls protect some beautiful homes from view. You finally come to Rue Albert Dubout and, at the end, turn right down Avenue d'Haïfa. You'll come to the [mac ]musée d'art contemporain (7) and the Pouce de César (8). Via avenue de Hambourq, you'll reach the central Bonneveine park (9), where you'll also find some monumental works of contemporary art. Continue through the park to skirt the grounds of the Horticultural Society and Parc Bortoli (10). You've reached the end of the route. You now have several options: Continue the tour to discover the Mazargues district, take the 22/22S buses back to the rond-point-du-Prado, or take the 45 bus that brings you closer to the seaside, the Pointe-Rouge district and the Pastré countryside.

2 h
4.6 km
Very easy
88 Boulevard Michelet Au début de l’impasse René Magnac 13008 Marseille
Stroll through the Saint-Pierre district
14 km

Stroll through the Saint-Pierre district

This walk takes you through the peaceful Saint-Pierre district, in the heart of the city of Marseille. It's best known for its cemetery, established in the mid-19th century. Today, families love the area, which boasts schools, numerous shops, a village atmosphere and good transport links (tramway, metro, bus and main roads). The starting point for this exploration of the neighborhood is the "Sainte-Thérèse" streetcar stop, on the T1 line towards "les Caillols". Follow Boulevard Sainte-Thérèse until you reach the rear of the Saint-Pierre church (1). Join the church square and admire the Art Deco facade on your right. At the corner of the square, turn right into rue Pascal Ruinat, which leads to the Louis Loucheur housing complex (2). After crossing the housing estate, whose facades are painted in a monochrome of orange, follow the railroad tracks to reach boulevard Daumas. At the end, turn right under the arch. You're now on the chemin de Saint-Jean du Désert. When you reach the traffic circle, turn left onto boulevard Jeanne d'Arc and walk back towards the railroad (3). You'll pass the Cristal Limiñana company (4) and the cabaret l'étoile bleue (5). Continue straight ahead on boulevard Jeanne d'Arc (6) until you come to the church of Saint-Pierre, then turn right. Rue Ruinat (7) leads to Rue Saint-Pierre (8). If you're observant, you'll notice that the Saint-Pierre district is home to many small buildings with tiled roofs, representative of traditional Marseille architecture. Turn left into rue Saint-Pierre and drive 300 meters to the main entrance to the cemetery (9). It's like entering a hemicycle extended by a vast magnolia-lined avenue. On either side of the alley are the tombs of the Marseilles bourgeoisie, who made Marseilles famous from 1850 onwards (10). Walk straight ahead to reach a little-known site: a military crypt (11). Continue straight ahead until you reach the 4th intersection (12), then turn left until you reach the depository. Turn right and climb the stairs. On the way, you'll come across several remarkable graves (13) and (14). Go straight on until you reach a staircase, then turn left to reach a secondary gate which takes you out of the cemetery. Go left down rue Saint-Pierre until you reach the remains of an aqueduct on your right (15). Continue straight ahead, skirting the streetcar tracks (16) and (17). The walk ends at the "Saint-Pierre" stop on tramway T1, which takes you back to the city center.

2 h
3 km
1 rue Moreau Point de départ : en sortant du Tramway T1, arrêt Sainte-Thérèse 13005 Marseille

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Commented sea tour of the 13 calanques  with l'Atlantide
12 km

Commented sea tour of the 13 calanques with l'Atlantide

Go for a tour towards the Calanques de CASSIS and MARSEILLE, site listed as French Natural Heritage. After sailing along the Var and the Bouches-du-Rhône coasts, you will enter at the deepest point of each calanque, real natural ports well known in the Antiquity for offering safe sheltered to Romans. This tour will expand the visit going halfway of CASSIS and MARSEILLE bays. Do not hesitate… Come aboard for one day off the beaten path. The visit of the 13 creeks includes: Passage in front of the port of La Ciotat and its former shipyard. • Then in front of the green island, the creek of Mugel, under the Bec de l'Aigle rock. • Visit of the Calanque de Figuerolles and the cliffs of Cap Canaille (416 m.). • Crossing the Bay of Cassis. • Calanque de Port Miou, deep and winding with its marina. • Port Pin, small and steep. • In Vau, pearl of the creeks, vertiginous, with its cliffs directly above the sea. • The Calanque des Orgues, remarkable for its limestone needles in the shape of organ pipes. • The Devenson creek with its arcuate cliffs. • The Calanque Saint-Jean where the great “candelle” takes root, the highest point of the massif of the creeks. • The Tombstones, well known to naturists. • The rugged and wild Calanque de Sugiton. • The vast creek of Morgiou, animated by its fishing port. • Passing Cap Morgiou, you will enter the Calanque de la Triperie where the Grotte Cosquer (underwater cave) was discovered in 1991. • The Calanque de Sormiou, the largest of all, where the clarity of the water contrasts with the rigor of the landscape.

Embarquement au Nouveau port des Lecques 83270 Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer
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Plage des Lecques
13 km

Plage des Lecques

Les Lecques beach is a large family beach with fine sand. Walk along the landscaped promenade, known as the Pink Promenade, to discover its sublime 2 km stretch of sand and its postcard view. Along the promenade, you can enjoy restaurants and shops. The bathing establishments on the beach of Les Lecques also welcome you from April to October. Discover the multitude of water activities that you can practice in the bay: sailing, diving, sea kayaking, paddle, windsurfing, jet skiing. For your comfort, drinking water points and toilets are available. You can park in the car parks near the beach. In summer, a summer shuttle bus allows you to reach the beach from the town centre. Access for people with reduced mobility (adapted showers and toilets). Special wheelchairs allowing access to the water are available on request at the lifeguard station during their opening periods and times. Supervision of bathing areas on Les Lecques beach is provided : From Wednesday, May 8 to Sunday, June 30, 2024 inclusive, on Wednesdays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, from 10am to 6pm. From Saturday, July 1 to Sunday, September 1, 2024 inclusive, daily, 9am to 7pm, and from Wednesday, September 4 to Sunday, September 22, 2024 inclusive, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 10am to 6pm. From the aid station to the west (near Square Ferrié) from Saturday, July 1 to Sunday, September 1, 2024 inclusive, every day from 9am to 7pm. Beaches are non-smoking throughout the Commune.

Les Lecques 83270 Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer

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Grand Hôtel Les Lecques
13 km

Grand Hôtel Les Lecques

On the Provençal coast, between Cassis and Bandol, you'll discover this charming and elegant Belle Époque styled mansion dominating the Mediterranean. On the Provençal coast, between Cassis and Bandol, you'll discover this charming and elegant Belle Epoque styled mansion dominating the Mediterranean. Nestled in the heart of a 3 hectare big park, 100 meters away from beaches of fine sand and from the shops, the Grand Hôtel Les Lecques is an ideal place for an unforgettable stay. Breakfast: Start the day with a delicious buffet in a pleasant environment, at the Le Parc restaurant and its terrace. The restaurants: "Le Parc" and its terrace: Our Chef invites you to come and discover his authentic and generous cuisine with Mediterranean flavours. You will delight your taste buds as well as your eyes: the panoramic terrace offers an outstanding view over our park and over the Lecques Bay. "La Pinède": A relaxing and pleasant moment near the swimming pool to fully enjoy the sun of our region, during summertime. The lounge bar: In a soft and muffled atmosphere, enjoy our selection of cocktails around the piano. The wine cellar: Discover our new wine cellar at the restaurant "Le Parc" and taste our Grand Crus and local wines. SERVICES As soon as you arrive in the hall, you will be seduced. Murals, columns and domes from another time harmoniously blend in with the Provençal furniture. The reception team welcome you warmly 7/7 - Big closed parking lot - Outdoor overflow pool - Deckchairs, towels and parasols available - 2 tennis courts - Petanque court - Table tennis - Bar service around the pool (not included)

24 avenue du Port 83270 Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer
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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾