Perched on an Alpine prairie, at the frontier with the high mountains, the Olan refuge provides a unique panorama on La Chapelle-en-Valgaudemar, the prestigious Olan cirque, the Cime du Vallon...
A stopover for mountaineers and hikers: a mountain road to the Refuge des Souffles. Shared room and kitchen upstairs, running water and fountain. Meals by reservation. Access from La Chapelle-en-Valgaudemar in 4 hours; elevation: 1245 metres.
From 20/09/2020 to 11/06/2021
Night: 8 €.
From 12/06 to 19/09/2021
Night: 21 €
Child rate per night (8-18 years): 11.55 to 16.80 €
CAF member rate per night: 5.25 to 10.50 €
Breakfast: 10 €
Picnic to take away: 11 €
Dinner: 23 €
Half board (pp): 50.10 €
Group rate per night: 16.80 €.
Free entry for children < 8 years.
Group rate available for > 9 people.
Tax not included.
Club Alpin Français - FFCAM - 23/10/2024
Report a problem
Capacity : 54 people
From 10/06 to 17/09, daily.
From 18/09 to 09/06, daily.
Phone : 06 07 66 43 25
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