Nestled in the middle of the hills, in the hilly landscape of Chalosse, is the farm of Lorthe. Lahosse is a commune located halfway between Montfort-en-Chalosse, with the Chalosse Museum, and Mugron, the belvedere of Chalosse with its view over the Adour Valley
In the family farm, Marie-Claude, Thierry, Patrice and Julien work hand in hand to offer you raw milk, cow's milk tomme from dairy cows, milk-fed veal or red meat from the farm.
The animals are fed with food produced on their two farms, one in reasoned culture, the other in organic culture.
For your garden and vegetable garden, you will also find flower and vegetable plants, grown in the 1000 m2 greenhouses.
Cellular telephone : +33 6 79 72 07 35
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Dairy produce
Bienvenue à la Ferme
Payment cards
Cheques and postal orders
Conditions de visite : Guided tour by appointment only
Durée moyenne de la visite de groupe : 30
Durée moyenne de la visite individuelle : 45
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