You will see "La Route de Sainte-Montaine" on your left but follow the "Chemin de Brinon" which runs alongside the cemetery until you come to "La Ferme du cerveau" (a farm). A little further along on your right, take the CR (Country Path) which leads to "La Ferme du Portal" (another farm). Continue along the CR until you reach the D180 and then turn right on to another country path 500 metres further along which leads through the woods to the "Moulin Neuf" (a mill). Continue along this path and when you reach "La Ferme de Gorgeot" (a farm) on the D923, follow the road in the direction of Aubigny. When you come "Le Pont de Pierre" (the stone bridge) follow the path on your left (GR de Pays) to come back to the castle.
You can avoid the section of the walk on the D923 by following the CR opposite "La Ferme de Gorgeot" (the farm). Cross the railway and take the path on your right that runs alongside the railway in the direction of the D940. Cross this road, go straight on alongside the supermarket. You will then reach the yellow and red signposts (GR de Pays) which take you back to the castle. This adds 1200 metres to your walk.