At the Musée Sainte-Croix in Poitiers, follow a panorama of regional archaeology. Beautiful paleolithic engravings in the Grotte de la Marche represent prehistory. Then the visitor enters the city of the Pictons of Gallo-Roman antiquity under the protective gaze of Athena, a marble statue of the 1st century AD. He discovers sculpted sarcophagi from Late Antiquity and the High Middle Ages, and a beautiful series of sculptures reminds him of the extraordinary influence of the Roman workshops in Poitou.
The fine arts course is based on painted and sculpted works from the 14th to the middle of the 20th century. The great artistic currents of the 19th century, neoclassicism, orientalism, ingrism, symbolism, invite you to the works of Camille Claudel. The beginning of the 20th century is brilliantly illustrated by modern art with great artists such as Bonnard, Sisley, ...
Fixed telephone : +33 5 49 41 07 53
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House and building
Local museum
Conditions de visite : Unaccompanied tours
Conditions de visite : Guided tours
Facebook : MuseeSainteCroix.Poitiers