The Dinozé American Cemetery is a place marked by history and a reminder of the tragedies of the Second World War. It contains 5,253 graves in two fan-shaped plots and 424 names engraved on the wall of the missing ones. This place instantly takes us to the heart of our past, heavy with emotion and memories.
These impeccably and meticulously tended grounds and gardens of the cemetery and the serenity of its surroundings give no hint of the fierce, bitter and savage fighting that cost the lives of so many who lie here.
Under each of these headstones lies a soldier with unfulfilled dreams, and this guided walk invites you to discover some of them.
We are honoured every time a soldier’s family comes to visit the grave of a deceased soldier. We also hold several ceremonies throughout the year to honour our soldiers.
A memorial overlooks the soldiers' graves, with a coloured glass mosaic illustrating the Toulon landings that led to the liberation of Epinal and a chapel with a sculpture of the Angel of Peace.
The Dinozé American Cemetery is a place of remembrance but also of exchange and reflection on history.
"We do not forget, we shall never forget, the debt of infinite gratitude we owe to those who gave everything for our liberation.”
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