"Pont de Vaux exhibits its heritage discreetly. Dispersed throughout the town, the richness of it frequently goes unrecognised. The town succeeded in seizing the beauty of every century and conserving fascinating remains." (M. Duffaux-Cholet).
"Pont de Vaux exhibits its heritage discreetly. Dispersed throughout the town, the richness of it frequently goes unrecognised: a mullioned window, here, a Renaissance pilaster there, farther along the remains of a rampart, elsewhere a mansion, a classical façade, a half-timbered house. The town as a whole shows that it succeeded in seizing the beauty of every century and conserving fascinating remains." (Maryse Duffaux-Cholet)
Office de Tourisme des pays de Bâgé et de Pont-de-Vaux - 24/06/2024
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