Novels, biographies, science fiction, noir fiction, adult comic books, historical sagas, local novels and even books on cookery and DIY. For children: comics, comic books, short novels and other books.
If you cannot find what you're looking for among our collection of 5,600 books, we can order it for you, or ask for it to be transferred from Montalieu-Vercieu Multimedia Library or Creys-Mépieu Library, with whom we network, and reserve it for you.
We have plenty of books for children too, with a whole area for them to search, alone or with parents, and browse or take out comics, comic books, short novels and much more.
Office du Tourisme Les Balcons du Dauphiné - 21/12/2024
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All year round Opening hours on Wednesday between 3 pm and 5 pm. On Friday between 4.30 pm and 6.30 pm. On Saturday between 10 am and 12 pm.
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