The park and gardens of Seneffe: a place for walking and exploring. Dedicated to walks and entertainment, the Park of the Domain of the Castle of Seneffe is also a place of outdoor exhibitions, an event space where visitors will be seduced by the beauty of the gardens and the magic of events taking place each spring and summer. Each year, internationally recognized artists seize the space to exhibit their work with each time a new theme and new meetings between artists and public. A verdant space, an open space Restored in the spirit of the first occupants, the Park of the Domain of the Castle of Seneffe stretches on an area of 22 ha. Original regular paths are enhanced by a scenography of plantations that evoke the spirit of yesteryear, but its harmonization takes in account the lessons of the past. Towards the rear of the castle, the “great basin” composed of two arms, is punctuated by a 15 meters high jet of water. Between the castle and the great basin, paths of linden extend the galleries located in the courtyard. At the back of the theater, visitors can discover a "wilder" area sowed of various species of essence. The pond, which got back to its original aspect, is extended by a drop shape. A small bridge crosses the pond to join the romantic island in its middle.