A beautiful waterfall by rainy weather but which gets lost as soon as the drought arrives. The brook of Culaz feeds the Veyron in the village.
GIP Cerdon Vallée de l'Ain - 24/06/2024
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From the centre of the village, Vigneronne square or Allombert square, take Grande Côte Street then, Balme Street. At the intersection of the street of the Church, continue straight ahead over 1 km. to discover the water-fall.
Also to discover by the secondary road D11 towards Nantua
Motorway A42 exit n°9 Pont-d’Ain, then, the D1084 towards Nantua / Geneva
Motorway A40 exit n°8 Saint-Martin-du-Fresne, then, the D1084 towards Cerdon
Accessible all year long