Within the boundaries of the three towns of Naix-aux-forges, St-Amand-sur-Ornain and Boviolles.
The Cité des Leuques Association gives visitors a fascinating look at local and regional history every summer through the work carried out here.
There are bucolic guided walks from June to the end of September to see the Roman town or the capital of the Ancient Gauls. On some weekends, the walks include a visit to the archaeological digs where you can meet researchers and see their latest finds.
During the summer, you'll find the legionaries of the 22nd Nasium Legion here, as well as their craftsmen. Their costumes, equipment and work have been carefully copied from items in the museum or the region's unique archaeological research. There is also a field gun, a faithful replica that is the only one of its kind in France.
Throughout the year, visits and events can be arranged on request for adults or school groups: walks, an archaeological dig for beginners, pottery workshops, mosaic work etc.
Ces informations sont issues de la plateforme SITLOR - Système d’Information Touristique - Lorraine
Elles sont synchronisées dans le cadre du partenariat entre Cirkwi, l’Agence régionale du Tourisme Grand Est et les membres du comité technique de Sitlor.
Tel : 07 86 82 41 50
Email : lesleuques55@free.fr
Site web : www.nasium-la-cite-des-leuques.com