The Moulin du Roy, also known as the "Moulin d'en Haut", belongs to the commune of Rubelles. Its existence is documented as far back as 980 AD.
It is said to have been named in honour of King Robert the Pious, who had the town of Melun liberated around the year 1000. It remained in royal ownership until 1594, when Henry IV sold it to Monsieur De la Grange, governor of Melun. In 1889, the mill was converted into a dairy by the Mollereau family and renamed the "Grande Laiterie de Trois-Moulins". The dairy collected milk from farms in nearby towns such as Maincy, Rubelles, Blandy and Champeaux. The milk was then delivered to Melun. In 1897, the dairy was awarded a Diplôme d'Honneur for "Speciality Cream Cheese" at the "Exposition de l'Industrie et Fêtes du Commerce" in Paris. It was then taken over by the future writer and adventurer Henri de Monfreid from 1909 to 1910. In 1913, the Jonot family moved in and continued to run the dairy until the 1960s, when it was forced to close for good due to a lack of milk. The mill, which has recently been renovated, is now used as a home. It faces a residence that once belonged to the academician Count Franz de Champagny, who is buried in the chapel on the property.
Office de Tourisme de Melun Val de Seine - 23/10/2024
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