18 km from Dax, on one of the magnificent ridges, the Haut Clouzet farm awaits you just a stone's throw from the centre of Montfort-en-Chalosse. Producers of duck foie gras, Annie, Jacques and Stéphane Loupret welcome you in pretty aprons bearing the effigy of this typical Chalosse house. Admire the poultry raised in the open air, while under the large farm building, farm life is organised with the feeding and processing of the ducks. At the end of this artisanal chain, Annie explains all the good recipes of the farm: confits, duck gizzards, rillons and other traditional pâtés. Especially try the delicious duck ballotine. Don't leave this country atmosphere, and go to the Chalosse Museum located only 2 km away, a real little hamlet of yesteryear. You can reach it via the Voie Verte de Chalosse.
Cellular telephone : +33 6 80 32 69 72
Web site (URL) : www.fermeduhautclouzet.com/
Fixed telephone : +33 5 58 98 51 85
e-mail : contact@fermeduhautclouzet.com
Canned goods
Foie gras
Duck fat products
Bienvenue à la Ferme
Payment cards
Cheques and postal orders
Conditions de visite : Guided tour by appointment only
Nombre de produits dégustés : 5
Dégustation gratuite
Durée moyenne de la visite de groupe : 90
Langue(s) de visite guidée : French