“At the beginning of the century, the municipality of Frasne ordered works to develop the gallery in order to harvest the water (Fournier). There are still traces of such development with the dry-stone walls.
This is a lasting emergence with a siphon 15 metres from the entrance. The siphon is partially obstructed by the earthworks for the road that passes just overhead.
The flooded gallery was recognised on 16 June 1974 by the Groupe Lémanique de Plongée Souterraine over 43 m, less than 10 m deep. This source is still harvested, and the waters run clear, even at average water levels." (Fournier E. Spelunca 5e campagne 1902-1903 p 27 SHAG 1977 Enfonçure no 3 p 26 GLPS 1976 Info-Plongée no 1)