Here, on either side of the Roman road, there are still several characteristic stones. They appear to have served as foundations for crosses or stone gallows.
Used by pilgrims and traders headed to Saint-Claude during the Middles Ages up until 1845, this road was also used by famous figures such as Philip the Bold, Charles the Bold, Louis XI, Anne of Birttany, Francis de Sales, Jeanne de Cantal and Lamartine. Saint-Claude’s body was found intact in 1181, several centuries after his death, and ostentation processions took this path towards Lons-le-Saunier and Arbois.
The history of the road and of the Pont de Pyle bridge are discussed in the book “Histoire de Maisod et des territoires voisins” (The History of Maisod and neighbouring regions) written by J.M VUILLEMOT.