Legendary creatures escaped and are threatening the inhabitants. With the help of The Grimoire, save Vals du Dauphiné from the elusive Nuiton!
Explor Games® is an adventure and exploration game on electronic device. Mixing between an orienteering course and an outdoor Escape Game, Explor Games® immerses you in a unique digital treasure hunt.
With this adventure, you will discover the Vallin forest where you will see the Vallin castle, in the town of Saint-Victor-de-Cessieu. The "Nuiton" is a one eye foreheaded monster. It escaped and is terrorizing the population. With the help of Stéphanie the apprentice wizard, as well as the knight and the grimoire, solve the riddles to capture the creature and send it back to its time.
Video : www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlus4citow4&t=26s
Free of charge. Free downloading on appstores "AVENTURES DES VALS DU DAUPHINE" .
Office de Tourisme des Vals du Dauphiné - 18/12/2024
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Phone : 04 76 32 11 24
Email : tourisme@valsdudauphine.fr
Website : www.tourisme-valsdudauphine.fr/