La Suite 35, 35 Rue Des Carmes
Ideally located in the heart of Nancy, close to the city's must-see tourist attractions, Suite 35 offers a clean, welcoming, comfortable and fully-equipped rental for a stay in Nancy of one night or more.
Check-in and check-out are completely autonomous, unless you prefer a personalized welcome, which is always possible.
Wifi is available.
2 public parking lots (Dom Calmet and Charles 3 with electric terminals) close by for your car if you don't plan to come by train (the station is less than 10 minutes' walk away).
Ces informations sont issues de la plateforme SITLOR - Système d’Information Touristique - Lorraine
Elles sont synchronisées dans le cadre du partenariat entre Cirkwi, l’Agence régionale du Tourisme Grand Est et les membres du comité technique de Sitlor.
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