In the heart of the Roaring Mountains, the "Game Of Trees" Festival nestles at the top of the most beautiful peaks, in Les Orres. A colourful, eclectic festival not to be missed! With concerts, shows, theatre and nature activities for all.
The programme:
A crazy 2024 edition on the theme of energy!
Monday 29 July: WORAKLS & FORMLESS
Tuesday 30 July: POMME & NINA VERSYP
Wednesday 31 July: GÉRÉMY CRÉDEVILLE
Thursday 1 August: NNEKA & ROSAWAY
Friday 2 August: ACDÇU & DARKROSE
Saturday 3 August: SOIRÉE SURPRISE!
Office de Tourisme des Orres - 26/11/2024
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From Monday 29 July to Saturday 3 August 2024.
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