The hedges linear and density (37 hedges) remain superior to the rest of the surrounding village, 45% of theses hedges still show densely implanted trees on top of important earth bank. On this board are detailled the roles of the hedges, typically from the Breton bovage as well as the organisation of the hedges and its fauna components.
On the hillock, roe deers, foxes and badgers share food and shelter by these earth banks. From the ground stratum to the grass stratum, shrubs and trees run accross each other, avoid one another, run away or hunt a plethora of insects like the ground beetles (over 80 species of these predators were identified on the whole of the hillock), chrysomelids (over 47 species), ladybugs (18 species), weevils (118 species, nearly 51% of the total of the known species in Brittany).